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Content related to "Things That Hinder You Getting to Know People At a Munch and How to Overcome Them"


Showing 1271 to 1280 of 1486.

Define This: Safeword

In this video series, I define terms that readers have asked me about! This one is all about safewords. Do you have a term you'd like defined? Let me know.

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The Challenges of Being Kajira in Today’s Society

The challenges are being able to live and be who you are without having to justify yourself to every fucking stranger – and family – because your lifestyle and relationship dynamic doesn’t fit modern day societal norms we have had rammed down our throats every single day since we were born.

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Psychological Aspects of Consensual Rape in BDSM Scenarios

"Consensual rape." Quite an oxymoron, I suppose. Rape, by definition, is sexual intercourse in which one party is unwilling and unwanting of the attention and act. A consensual act is something quite contrary to that initial concept of rape. A consensual act is one in which all parties are in agreement as to the parameters, activities, and boundaries of said act. How then, does the term "consensual rape" have any validity at all?

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5 Things to Give Your Safe Call Person Before You Go On That Kinky Date

Remember, this person is your "just in case" person. It's extremely unlikely they will ever have to use the information but it's important. So what information is important for your safe call person to have?

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What Do You Do When Top Drop Rules Your Relationship?

He saw my eagerness and it scared him. He had seen it before. He saw my willingness to a poly relationship and it petrified him. You see he had accomplished his dream relationship before me and it had crumbled because of others. I scared him because I was the dream again.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 12 - Financial Submission

Do you include financial submission within the definition of your own submission and if yes, how does it manifest itself?

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How Giving a Blowjob Has Taught Me That Service and Pleasure Are One

I used to hate giving blow jobs. But now I can say that I actually enjoy them.

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Your Label - Submissive Meditation Monday

Understanding that you can be any labels you wish to, we’re going to try to understand why these labels are the ones we desire.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 17: Two Key Items Every Blog Should Have

Every blog needs an About Page and a way to categorize posts. Come learn what each of these things add to your blog and how to add them today!

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Teased With No Relief: How to Address Orgasm Denial Because Dominant Gets Too Busy and Forgets

How do you cope with sexual frustration? Kayla helps you figure out what you should do when you have been teased and then left high and dry when your partner gets too busy.

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