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Showing 1251 to 1260 of 1486.

What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship?

Mistress Steel takes aim at emotional abuse in BDSM relationships with a thorough definition and discussion about what it looks like and the impact it can have in a power exchange relationship. This article is a jumping off point and is meant to help you learn what is and isn’t abuse. If you feel you are being abused and need help, please contact your local partner abuse hotline.

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How Making a Cup of Coffee Centers Me

It's always a good thing to look at your submission from different viewpoints and to reassess why you are in the role that you are. It's how we grow and change. It's how we see what's working and what isn't.

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Processing Pain in Play: Positive Pain Management Techniques

Part of your receiving is also an exchange for the top. They want to watch you process that pain in open and positive ways so that they can get energy from it. I guess you could call a good sadist as an energy vampire along those lines.

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The Outline of a Good Compatible Dominant

The qualities to look for in a Dominat are subjective but perhaps we can figure out some basics to help you along the way.

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Trust is a Five Letter Word

A D/s relationship with a basis of trust has a lot of responsibility in both parties to uphold that trust and to not belie it. Honesty is a form of trust and the most common violation of that trust that I have encountered in my time as a submissive and talking with others.

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Learning About BDSM on

There's a treasure trove of information if you know where to look which is what I'm going to share with you here. Today's newsletter is a listing of all the really interesting BDSM education-focused videos on Youtube I could find when I was surfing around one day.

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The Most Popular and Favorite Books on BDSM - According to Our Readers

The following is a compilation of the most purchased BDSM-related books on Amazon – by our community.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 6 - The Root of My Submission

What do you feel are the roots of your submission?

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30 Days of Submission: Day 27 - Fantasies Waiting

Do you have submissive desires or fantasies that you have yet to be able to explore?

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I'm So Clumsy! Is There Anything I Can Do?

I would love to know if there is anything my master can do for me and if there is anything I can do for myself to help me stop being so clumsy.

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