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Showing 961 to 970 of 1479.

Coming Clean: Admitting Your Disobedience

We all have those little voices in our head that tell us what to do. Sometimes it tries to convince us that our disobedience is okay. The voices are very convincing at times and then we have guilt riding with us until we come clean.

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What Is BDSM All About?

Everyone has fantasies. Most people don't try to engage in those fantasies, but people in BDSM bring them to life, explore them and delve deeper into the dark recesses of their erotic minds.

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5 Simple Steps to Creating a Personal Submissive Mantra

For a personal mantra to work, it has to be positive. It has to reaffirm your choices in life and establish a realistic goal you can accomplish or a life dream fulfilled.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 23 - Questioning my Submission

Is there anything about submission (yours or what you see in others) that you question, dislike or repels you?

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How to Ask for More BDSM Playtime

Once you open up to allowing yourself to ask for what you want you will find so many more doors open for you.

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The Year's Best-Selling BDSM Books and eBooks from Amazon Voted by YOU

Here are the books you are reading based on my Amazon statistics!

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Patience - Submissive Meditation Monday

Patience plays an important role in the life of a submissive. Spend some time with me today to reflect on patience.

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Learn to Speak Up and Speak Out: Empowering Yourself to Have a Voice

But asking for what I want and raising concerns to him is topping from the bottom! No, no it's not. You do, in fact, have to tell them what you are thinking and feeling.

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6 Important Activities to Include in Your Aftercare Routine

For as important as after care is, it’s really easy to overlook or misinterpret what your aftercare routine should consist of, regardless of the scenes you’re practicing. Here are six easy activities you can add to your routine for smoother transitions after scenes.

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