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BDSM Myths

The world is full of false truths. These false truths tend to be the assumptions of the uninformed or the beliefs of those who want to scare novices out of their wits. Many of these are because of a narrow view of the world or an inability to accept varying viewpoints. In this series, you’ll find some of the most popular BDSM myths that novices hear and what the truth really is.

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Improving Your Submission - Your Support System

A lot of the goals we set for ourselves can be reached without outside support, but others work so much better when we have people cheering us on, keeping us accountable and just being there when frustration comes up. Establishing a support system is in your best interest.

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Am I Normal? Exploring Normalcy in BDSM Relationships

Everyone questions themselves at one time or another.

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Living as an Emotionally Healthy Submissive

Being an emotionally healthy person is a goal that all of us have but a smaller margin actually accomplish. With the constant stress of commitments and modern day obligations our emotions face the brunt of it. The goal of a submissive is to seek that balance in emotional states so that our service appears stress-free and sincere; even if we have a lot going on in the background. Living as an emotionally healthy submissive takes knowing what is considered healthy to begin with.

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Best BDSM Fiction for Hot Steamy Nights

I love reading BDSM fiction, erotica and other service books. I broke my kinky teeth on the Story of O so I can't ignore it on this list, but it's not the best of the best. I'd like to offer up the books that I love and enjoy to read; most of which I like to keep on my bedside table. Not at the same time, mind you.

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What I've Learned From My Young Dominant

I’ve had other Doms comment that He can’t really teach me, that He can’t really control me, blah blah. He isn’t old enough, there is no way He could have the experience needed to handle a strong sub like me. However, to me, it’s less about experience than the intuition He has.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship-Transparency is Like a Brick Wall

Transparency is a huge factor in an M/s or D/s relationship. We both know that the moment there’s no longer 100% transparency in our relationship, then something is seriously wrong.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 18 - Communicating Needs and Wants

How does communication factor into your submission and how do you communicate your desires and needs?

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30 Days of Submission: Day 27 - Fantasies Waiting

Do you have submissive desires or fantasies that you have yet to be able to explore?

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When Journaling Gets Hard - How Depression Affected Our D/s Dynamic and How My Journal Helped Bring Us Back Together

This is a personal account of what can happen when journalling goes wrong. In Elle's case, it was when she became depressed. It's about how to recognize that there is a problem, and what you and your dominant might do to overcome it.

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