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Spanking for Lovers by Janet Hardy

Whether as just a spanko or as part of a power exchange relationship, this is a great book for all parties involved to check out. Janet Hardy knows her stuff and you can tell that her knowledge is from years of experience on both sides of the paddle.

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What Happens At Your First Munch?

So you are ready to venture into the great wide expanse of public life and meet people face to face. That's great! A munch is a safe and fun environment to do that in. A munch is a meet and greet of kinky folks in a public to semi-private space where you can get to know people, talk and ask questions and just enjoy feeling good about who you are without having to hide anything.

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Can I Be Abused in a BDSM Relationship?

A healthy BDSM relationship is one where people exchange power, sensations or experiences in a consensual, mutually fullfilling way. These exchanges increase self-esteem and all parties are are actively invested in the well-being of their partners and themselves.

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Add Convention, Class and Event Notes to your Submissive Training Resume

The value of listing the conventions, retreats, and classes you've attended can only be weighed against the unknown. Sharing the list of regional or national events you have attended and what classes you went to will not only provide your dominant with information as to what you might be interested in or knowledgeable about but also will be a great collection of information for your own self later on when you sign up for future conventions.

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Processing Pain in Play: What Can Interrupt or Block Pain Processing?

If you've experienced anything like I have, there are moments where you just can't change the pain response to anything beyond pain. What normally feels really good is just not. There are a number of things that can block your ability to translate the pain.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 4 - Itching to Switch

Do you switch into a dominant role at any time?

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4 Things You Should Not Put Up With Just Because He's a Dominant

Please consider the following situations as a wake up call if you are in a relationship where you're feeling used or disrespected. Being a Dominant does not give them an automatic "be a dick" card.

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Why That Dominant You Found Online Just Disappeared After a Short Time

I'm going to present a short list of reasons why this person fit so perfectly into your life and then vanished without a second glance.

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Afraid of Not Being Me Anymore: Transformation Without Fear

Becoming submissive does not mean you stop being who you are now. All of my advice has always been that you should be you, just a better you.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 31: Q&A, Resources and Further Reading

Frequent questions and some further resources to up your submissive journaling. This is the end of the 31 Days to Submissive Journaling Series.

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