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Content related to "When Your Owner's Home Grows: The Impact of Having Additional Live-in Dominants and submissives"


Showing 701 to 710 of 1479.

Emotional Moderation in Submission: Choose Your Emotions Wisely

As submissives, we are expected to express a modicum of restraint, most often in regards to our words and actions. Frequently, we do this to align ourselves with the expectations of the dominants who care for us. I propose that while it is admirable to used restraint and moderation in our words and actions, it is even more important to exercise moderation in our thoughts and feelings.

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How To Help Your Dominant Through Dom Drop

How do you care for a Dom/Master who is suffering dom drop? What should a sub do to help them through this? It seems that they get reclusive. Is this normal?

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Setting Realistic Goals to Realize Your Dreams

Every goal we want to set requires three things to have a chance at working. We need the right time in our lives, planning and follow through. Lack just one of these things and we will not reach those dreams of ours.

So, you may be wondering why I'm covering this topic on a submissive newsletter. Every day I set goals for myself; be more obedient, remember to reply to requests and commands appropriately, research a certain topic to better understand it, practice my stretching so that I can be more flexible, etc. All of these things are to improve my submission. Hopefully you are setting small goals for yourself too. At the end of this essay, I'd like to challenge you to set a few goals for yourself and your submission. Let's see some wonderful changes in you!

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Virgins Can Love BDSM Too: How Sexual Preference Doesn't Have to Involve Sex

I'm here to say that you can be interested in BDSM even if you've never done it yet. That's because I believe that just like your sexual preference to be with guys or girls is born not bred, your sexual predilection to BDSM activities is part of who you are.

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How To Manage, Increase and Explore Pain Tolerances in SM Play

Whether you are a hard-core masochist or just a light explorer of sadomasochistic pain play there are always opportunies to experience more, push yourself harder and enhance your pain management techniques. How you learn to do this, and the techniques you employ are unique from submissive to submissive (masochist to masochist) - however there are some basic principles and techniques that will get you well on your way.

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Dolly Learns To Balance Kink and Everyday Life

However committed and passionate you may be about your Dom/sub relationship, making time for your kink among the cold, harsh realities of daily living is a continuous and often difficult balance.

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Coming Out of the Closet... Twice

I was a closet lesbian until 2003 and a closet kinkster until 2010.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Using Evernote To Build Your Home Management Journal

Want a digital Home Management Binder? Check out the ebook, "Paperless Home Organization!"

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Review – Unfuck Your Habitat

That kick in the pants you need some days when those lovely cleaning lists just look like insanity contained in a check list.

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5 Ways Rituals Enhance Your Relationship with Yourself and Your Dynamic

Every relationship can be enhanced by ritual and also every person in the exchange can get something from ritual. It's not hard to get started either.

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