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Solo-Coaching: Three Key Elements to Fire Your Motivation for Change as a Submissive

We all aspire to improve our lives and wish to take on the challenge to make those changes, but quickly we’ll realize that motivation is the key to that change. You can’t become a better submissive if you don’t have the motivation to make those changes.

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Start Here: Don't Begin Exploring BDSM Until You've Read the Basics

There are so many primers out there about BDSM I'm not sure if another one is really needed. Then again with all the basic questions asked on forums and chat rooms about BDSM it's unlikely that my words will not be read by someone and that they will take something new from them.

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How to Document Your Skills and Training in your Submissive Resume

Part of the Resume is to record your training experience. For this, you have to take all experience that you have as training. If you have experience writing letters, for example, this would be a training item. It can be things you are educated to do or something you picked up as a hobby. Keep your mind open. Training is not always structured parts of your history. It is anything you can do that would provide a service to a Dominant.

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Banishment as a Form of Punishment: How Do You Cope?

A common tool for Dominants in their punishment arsenal is removal. You can be removed from the activity and sent to a time out area. For me, that's the kitchen. Ugh. I hate when I'm banished there.

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Male Submission – Foot Fetish

A foot fetish is not necessarily related to submission, although for many guys the two combine well and there are a whole lot of varieties of activities and preferences for guys with a foot fetish.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship-It's All About Communication

I know that communication in the lifestyle is one of those topics that are constantly talked about, but I believe that’s because a lot of people don’t truly understand the importance of communication and how easily a relationship can turn sour if there is a breakdown in communication.

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Sexual Exclusivity in Poly Relationships - Is It Possible?

A frequent misconception with poly is that it's orgiastic group sex all the time.

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What It Is Like Being a Little in a Long Distance Relationship

Daddy and I were on opposite sides of the globe and we had to get creative to help soften the blow of distance. I’m going to share some of those things that Daddy and I did as well as some other ideas I’d come up with on my own.

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Simply Service e-Zine: June 2005

D/s e-Zine focused on Service, written by bootpig. This is the archive from June 2005. Topics include Bootblacking, Mental Sex, Developing a Service Ethic and more! Available in PDF format for free download.

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Are You Cut Out to Be Submissive?

Not everyone is capable of being submissive. It is even possible that you are not really cut out for it. We all have different thresholds for what we can and can't do, but realizing we can't be submissive isn't the end of the world. Great, so how do you know if you can be submissive or not?

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