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The Ultimate Guide to Giving Your Dominant a Smooth Sensual Shave

Personal grooming service is pretty popular for submissives who are into service because it allows you to get up close and personal with your Dominant. If your Dominant has facial hair, a simple and elegant form of body service is giving him a shave.

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3 Ways to Recover From a Fight and Return to Submission Post-Argument

How do you then pick up the role again? It's not always as easy as you think. You are likely to be emotionally charged, perhaps you are still feeling pains of anger, frustration or sadness. Turning around and being submissive again has to get over those hurdles first.

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An Epidemic: Bottom's Disease

One of the first warnings that novice submissives get amidst a group of submissives is to not be a doormat. But no one really goes into explaining what a doormat submissive is, other than the Dominant can walk all over them. How does this manifest?

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The Marketplace

An interesting development is that I had this urge to improve my own submission as I read about their struggles, even though I know this is complete fiction. I'm sure I'm not the only one, as all over the internet people are 'developing' training programs based on the books. Which I'm not sure I like, but whatever floats your boat, right?

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Submissive Training: 23 Things You Must Know About How To Be a Submissive

This book reads like fiction and a one true way sort of manual. If that's your thing, then pick it up.

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Some Thoughts on Domestic Service from a Male Submissive

When luna indicated that she was going to emphasize domestic service at the Sub Guide this month, it reminded me that when I tell people I am primarily a service submissive I am frequently asked: “What is that?”. The follow-up question is often, “What do you get out of that?” It seemed an opportune time to tackle these questions. (Sometimes the follow-up question is “What are you secondarily, then?” To which I always reply, “Whatever She needs me to be, of course.”)

So what is a service submissive? Simply put, it’s a sub (male or female) that takes care of household chores and similar tasks. Cooking, cleaning and other domestic duties might be performed by a service submissive. We essentially take the role of butler, maid, chauffeur, gardener or cook.

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Broken Vows: When Vanilla Marriage Falls Apart Because of Kink

Ending the marriage was one of the hardest decisions I had to face. I still loved him, he was a great guy and we had fun together. I don't recommend divorce as the solution to all bedroom problems but let me share what steps we took before a divorce was my final solution.

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8 Ways You Might Be a "Doormat" Submissive and How to Stop

Let's not confuse the traits of a loving, unselfish and sacrificing submissive with a doormat. Here are some questions you must ask yourself.

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Are Dominants Supposed to Act This Way?

Kayla helps a troubled submissive in an abusive relationship.

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Solo-Coaching - Tearing Down Old Defensive Behaviors

Sometimes, as we grow up, we hang on to old defense mechanisms that served us fine at the time, but now seem to garner negative feedback. Here's how you too can rewrite old defensive behaviors into something that will serve you much better.

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