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Showing 151 to 160 of 1479.

5 Tips for Coping with Your Jealousy in a D/s Dynamic

Whether you’re in a D/s dynamic that’s open to new play partners, or you’re in a polyamorous relationship, jealousy can be a challenge. If it’s causing snags in your relationships (and even before it does), coping with jealousy can be a useful skill to learn. These five tips will have you well on your way.

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Why Writing a Letter To Your Past Self Will Help You When Your Struggling in Submission

Writing a letter to your future self is a common journaling practice to help you see how happy you are in the present moment, but the writing a letter to your past self is equally helpful.

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Stop Sub Shaming: It’s Not Cool to be Judgy

It’s not cool to sub shame. But, in this world of kink, it’s a very real concern. Here’s how you can identify it and what you should do when your own thoughts lean towards being judgemental instead of open and accepting.

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Finding Domesticity In You

Chores just happen to be the reality of a submissive sometimes

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Why The Prince Charming Dominant Doesn't Exist

It's funny to me to see people wanting a Dominant but then looking for "chemistry" as well. They want to fall in love with the Dominant of their dreams. Apparently, these submissives have come into the lifestyle thinking that a Dominant is BDSMs version of Prince Charming. Ladies, He simply doesn't exist either in the Vanilla world or in the lifestyle. Most Doms I know have regular lives to live and when their backside itches they scratch it. They fart when they eat beans and burp when they drink a beer. They wake up with bags under their eyes and a 5 o'clock shadow just exactly like their vanilla counterparts. But here we are hoping like crazy that he will forever and ever look like a hottie in leathers while always having a desire to flog our submissive little behinds.

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A Safe Call Could Save Your Life: How to Set It Up

A safe call is something that you may never need to use but should be there anyway. Like car insurance. It's there in the case of an accident. It's not like you plan on getting into an accident so you get insurance. It's the other way around. A safe call is your backup plan, your safety net. In fact, it could very well save your life. Are you in good hands?

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Is Your Heart Truly In It? - Fulfilling Submission Needs Desire

Submission does not have to be full-time. It doesn't even have to be in the same room. But it does have to fill a need inside of you and when done right should fill you up and reaffirm your choices.

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How Do I Tell My Family that I'm Committing to My Dominant?

I would like some advice on how to tell my family and my children who are teenagers that I am committing myself to my Dom.

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Stress and Santa: Managing Stressful Situations Around the Holidays

It is important to have a game plan for dealing with stressful Holiday situations before they arise.

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Being a Little Doesn't Come with a Size or Age Limitation

The bottom line is, you’re never too old, too heavy, too tall, or too short to be who you really are.

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