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Showing 161 to 170 of 1479.

Solo-Coaching - Three Types of Values and How to Figure Out What’s Significant to Your Life

Today we’re going to talk about your values. These are the things that create a priority in your life, from what you believe in, to what causes you’ll fight for, your political leanings and how you feel about various causes you support. Values help you navigate your life and fine-tune the direction for where you’re headed.

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D/s Breakups

The breakup of a relationship is a difficult time for those involved. It is fraught with emotion and frustration. It makes it even more painful when the lines of trust are cemented like those in a D/s relationship. Likened to going through a period of grief you are sure to experience an array of feelings that can vary from fear, anger, rage, and denial. Seek comfort and help in the following articles.

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Can I Access Subspace Too?

I'm teaching you today is how you can try to reach subspace. No matter how hard it is for you in the past there is a way for you to experience some or all of what subspace has to offer.

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Add Your Favorite BDSM Books Reading List to Your Submissive Training Resume

The importance of this list is not only to show a potential Dominant that you are well read, but that you have a personal desire to work on improving yourself, learning a wide range of viewpoints and opinions and learn about BDSM activities of all sorts.

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What's In a Name? Selecting a Scene Name You Can Live With

Choosing a scene name is one thing if it is only ever going to be used online, but it takes a bit more thinking about if you are going to refer to yourself as it in real life as well or use it as an introduction point at a munch or something like 'I'm ********* on FetLife'

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Submissive Advent - Day 4: Rewards for Service

What are you proud of achieving this year? What would you like to toot your own horn about? Let us praise your progress and reward you for service well done.

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Single In The Scene Part VI: Vulnerability

I’m of the opinion that there are many slaves who are unowned for one reason: fear of being vulnerable. I believe with all my being that if we don’t start reconciling ourselves with vulnerability, what we give in regards to service will come more from the surface than the core.

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My Master Wants to Have Sex With Other People

Is it normal for your Master to want to play and have sex with others?

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A Grieving Dominant and a Submissive's Needs

My Dom/Master/Daddy of many years has recently suffered a loss of a child. We've become distant.

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Help! I Can't Wear My Collar at Work

What do I do if I can't wear my collar at work?

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