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Dressing for a Play Party; What to Wear

Even if you don't have any fetish wear in your wardrobe I'm sure you can find something that would be acceptable at the party.

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What to Expect When Attending a Munch

Why should you attend a munch? This is often the first step in exploring the BDSM lifestyle in real life, rather than online. You can meet people, make contacts, ask questions, and just enjoy your time out without worrying about keeping your secret desires secret any longer. This is most often the place where cross dressers can ‘come out’, so to speak, and appear in make up and outfits that reflect their lifestyle, without negative comments.

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I Don't Want to Complain Too Much

Your concerns to not want to appear to complain overly much are valid, but in many established D/s relationships it’s not your right to withhold information, no matter how trivial with your partner.

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Perspectives: Erotic Spanking

Erotic spanking. It is probably the most common kinky play activity and is done in a lot of relationships that may know nothing about kink at all to those who are extremely kinky. It’s just a hot thing to do during sex. I was being spanked long before I entered the scene. I hope that I never stop being spanked.

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The Ready-Made Submissive

A submissive, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is yielding, obedient, compliant, humble, and modest. I am sure these are all things that you have thought and seen in your own submissiveness. If you have not, then, perhaps it is time. None of those words mean doormat though.

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Take the Bite Out of Submitting to Pain - Sadomasochism Is Not a Part of Submission

You do not have to like pain or be a masochist to be submissive. That's it. That piece of news right there leads to one of the largest reasons so many of you are confused.

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How Being Too Eager Is Not Always a Good Thing for a Submissive

Being too eager can endanger your rational thought, your emotional and physical well-being and create a line for Dominants to take advantage of you. Here's where eagerness gets tricky.

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When Kinky isn't Sexy

Kink and sex are indistinguishable from each other: if something kinky ensues, something sexy is sure to follow. The reality is, however, that the two can, and sometimes should be separated.

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‘Innocently’ Outing Fellow Lifestylers

Be mindful of the information you know about someone else that's kinky. Sometimes, things can seem so very innocuous that information can ‘slip’ out casually – we may innocently drop in the ears of others. The fact is they either teeter on outing someone or can flat-out out someone.

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A Person is Not Their Kink: Jumping Into Bed With the Wrong Person

If you want a relationship with someone who enjoys a particular kink so that you can experience it again and again, as well as the dynamics a relationship can bring, read on.

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