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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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Erotic Slavehood

If you are looking for a step by step training manual, this book will certainly provide that. If you are looking for an understanding of training and what it can do for enhancing your relationship, this book offers that as well.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 5: How To Bow and Curtsy Appropriately

Do you know how to bow or curtsy? Is it comfortable for you to do? Today's task is to learn how to bow and curtsy correctly and smoothly for any situation.

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Handling an Addiction While in Service

I am a binge eater and secret eater. I'm addicted to food and the way it makes me feel. While I'm sure this may not be anything like a drug addiction or alcohol I don't have experience with them so I can't write about them. I can write about how my Master and I are dealing with this addiction and my recovery.

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Green Recipes for Home and Health

It’s time to get back to nature and here is a little help to get started. Recipes here were gathered from various resources on the internet and personal collection.

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Submissive Advent - Day 18: Becoming Real

The inspiration for today comes from one of my favorite stories, The Velveteen Rabbit.

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Submitting in Public: How is it Done?

I don't know about you but when it comes to my kink I'd like to be in control of who knows and when that reveal occurs, so our D/s is covert when we aren't able to be completely out.

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Why I Used to Believe I Could Never Be a Slave

There are slaves of all types and I never even gave a thought to my definition after meeting countless slaves and learning about them. My definition still stood for me. And that's why I decided I could never be a slave. I couldn't ever live up to the narrow and difficult road I had painted for a slave. But that's slowly changing.

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The Curse of Masochism

I very very often HATE that I’m a masochist.

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How to Ask for More BDSM Playtime

Once you open up to allowing yourself to ask for what you want you will find so many more doors open for you.

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Stress and Santa: Managing Stressful Situations Around the Holidays

It is important to have a game plan for dealing with stressful Holiday situations before they arise.

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