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We’re So Much More than “Just Littles”

There are a lot of people in the lifestyle who don’t know how to understand, let alone handle littles. It’s frustrating to be pigeonholed as only one thing or another. Littles are so much more than the personae they adopt for play or in their relationships. The embrace the innocence of youth. Listen to one’s personal thoughts on the matter.

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Strong-Willed and Opinionated: Can I be Submissive?

A Dominant friend of mine explained it best, "You're a strong submissive with surrendering tendencies." She went on to say that it takes one exceptional Dominant to get me to that place. And she's right. I don't submit to just anyone that says they are Dominant.

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The Top 7 Posts of 2012 on Submissive Guide

I'd like to showcase several of these posts from the last year of Submissive Guide.

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How Supportive Relationships between Submissives Work to Build Friendships

Why would it be important to foster a supportive relationship with a fellow submissive? Sometimes there are things, thoughts, and views that a Dominant may or may not be able to help you to understand.

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Conquer Me Book Club - Week 2

This week's reading was intense and meaty, trust me I know! I had to read it twice in order to get everything out of it that I wanted to. What are you thinking about the book so far?

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Keys to a Successful Relationship-Transparency is Like a Brick Wall

Transparency is a huge factor in an M/s or D/s relationship. We both know that the moment there’s no longer 100% transparency in our relationship, then something is seriously wrong.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 26 - Qualities of My Ideal Dominant

What are the qualities you seek in a dominant partner and why?

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Slut Is Such a Dirty Word and I Love It! - Types of Humiliation and Degradation Play

Humiliation and especially erotic humiliation is the intentional use of words and actions to cause embarrassment, shame or psychological discomfort.

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More Red Flags for Everyone - Personal Safety and Warnings

Everyone’s safety is extremely important of course, but in the BDSM community, it is the people who give themselves up the most that have a greater chance of being hurt; submissives.

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Eight Miles - Looking For a Smooth Transition for Long Distance Relationships

Healthy, and a little scary, but ultimately beneficial, the changes from one to the other can be a little surprising, and undoubtedly will raise small conflicts of opinion that will need to be addressed.

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