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7 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Was New to BDSM

There is always time for a bit of education and knowledge before exploration. It can keep you safe, it can make you more aware, it can keep you safe and it can be fun. What 7 things did I learn that I wish I had known a LONG time ago?

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5 Myths About Dominants You Need To Know

There are plenty of misconceptions about BDSM, and Dominants are no exception. Here's 5 myths you can debunk right now.

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Adding Rules in a D/s (or M/s) Relationship

Adding rules to a dynamic, whether for the first time or continuing a list is not easy.

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Create a Daily Cleaning Routine That Works

It doesn't have to be a headache every time you arrive home and see the house in disarray. With these easy to implement steps you can keep the house maintained in just a few minutes each day. These may seem obvious, or common sense ideas but they really do work and with just a few minutes each day can free your time to meet the other demands of your day.

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5 Types of Power Exchange Relationships

We can however, put every relationship into 5 different relationship types. I'm sure there are more, but for the purpose of this essay, I will be covering the 5 types that I can see in this life. This is not the only way to look at and describe relationships, but it is a good beginning. I am not a relationship expert and what I am writing about is my own observations. If you feel that another definition fits your idea of each relationship type, then by all means, please use your own.

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Making the Transition from Online to Face-to-Face Submission When Struggling with Agoraphobia

The most important factor was having found that right Dominant who understood. This wasn’t and hasn’t been an easy transition.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech 3: Asking a Question

You should never be afraid to ask a question of your Dominant, however, in certain circumstances, there are inappropriate ways to ask questions and inappropriate questions.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship - Honesty is Really the Best Policy

Once I started delving into the realm of BDSM, I learned that honesty is a key factor in having a successful M/s or D/s relationship. Because of the different levels of intensity that can be factored into a lifestyle based relationship, one not only has to be completely honest with their partner but with themselves as well.

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Single In the Scene Part VIII: Transformation Happens

I had to learn that if I’m doing the surrender journey right, a transformation is gonna happen, plain and simple!

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The Things I Carry That Help My Submission

This is just a small list of the things I carry with me(whether physically, mentally, and emotionally)that help me with my submission and help me be the slave that I want to be.

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