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Content related to "Service: There’s an App for that!"


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Solo-Coaching - Three Types of Values and How to Figure Out What’s Significant to Your Life

Today we’re going to talk about your values. These are the things that create a priority in your life, from what you believe in, to what causes you’ll fight for, your political leanings and how you feel about various causes you support. Values help you navigate your life and fine-tune the direction for where you’re headed.

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What Should You Do When Your Wants or Needs Aren't Met?

Unfortunately, there are times where needs or wants can't be filled by the person you are with.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 13: Customizing and Altering Positions

Today I'd like us to brainstorm ideas for how someone can alter the positions and still hold grace and etiquette at a high standard. It is possible to not follow the 'Gorean' style positions that everyone seems to favor and still look good. For the brainstorming, you will need creative time alone and a desire to work on the positions you want to incorporate but feel incapable of doing.

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The Popularity of BDSM

If your only view of BDSM is the online community then you could believe that BDSM and being kinky is a huge playground and that a lot of people participate in it openly. And you’d be wrong. While a a good portion of the US population admits they are kinky (10% according to NCSF) most of those are not going to participate in a BDSM community or step further than silk blindfolds and light bondage.

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The Question of Aftercare: What is It, Do You Need It and How to Ask For It (And Get It)

Aftercare is an elusive beast. Sometimes I need it and sometimes I'd rather be left alone. I'm never very sure which mood I'll be in when we begin playing but aftercare is always on standby because I take what happens in scene very hard. It goes with my very emotional self.

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Hey guys, what's up? We wanna hear from you!

Come share some thoughts with Submissive Guide!

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30 Days of Submission: Day 11 - Service Submission

Do you include service as a part of your expectations of your submission?

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What Do You Mean When You Say Communicate? I am Communicating!

You will learn that communicating is a whole new world when you enter into a BDSM relationship.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 25 – Book Notes: How to Select and Read With Purpose

There are many ways to take notes and everyone has a preferred method. Let me teach you my note-taking method that I have developed over the years.

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