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The Basic Tenets of Being a Submissive in a D/s Dynamic

If you’re brand new to BDSM or even if you’ve got a few years under your belt, it’s good to sit down and figure out what submission means for you and how it works in your dynamic. Once you know what you need as a submissive, you can work with your Dominant to make your D/s relationship exactly what you desire.

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For People Looking to Discover Your Submissive Nature

Discovering your submissive nature isn't always a sudden process. For many people it takes some soul searching to see that you may enjoy being a people-pleaser or that when someone asks you to do something you happily do it without a second thought. For others it takes some social reprogramming to allow your full nature to come out.

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Understanding Your Body's Responses During Play

When you engage in playtime with a Dominant your body is the canvas for sensation and pleasure. You can run the gamut of emotions and many of them can take you by surprise. It's not uncommon even for someone who plays regularly to be shocked by a new reaction to a play activity that they have experienced before. This goes beyond the bruising, scratching and other physical results of play. Here are just a few of the more common reactions to play.

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Enjoy Being a Single Submissive - Look Forward to a Relationship Later

Patience isn’t always something we have, but it something you can learn. You can find other ways to feed your needs while you look. You can get through being single.

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The Role of a Collar in a Long Distance D/s Relationship

Wearing a collar is not just a way to signify to myself and others that I have given myself to another person, it’s a way to comfort myself when I’m feeling alone and to reassure myself on the days when I don’t feel actively submissive.

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Always Striving to be a Perfect Submissive Leaves You Less of Yourself - Here's Why

I think there are a couple of good reasons people strive for perfection, but what we tend to forget is that if we are constantly doing that we can never truly enjoy where we are at any point.

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Dominant Personality with a Submissive Identity

An often misunderstood, or perhaps misrepresented thought is that submissives have to be docile, shy, introverted people.

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Learning To Be a 24/7 Submissive Is Like...

You practice, adapt and learn what works for you and discard the things that don't. If you apply it to your everyday life, make it a part of you and don't consider it an on/off switch, then you too can be 24/7.

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Coping with Different Sex-Drives in a Relationship

The pressure to be compatible in all aspects of your relationship—including the bedroom—is one that is acutely felt, regardless of whether you’re up for sex multiple times a day, a few times a week, or only once in a blue moon.

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Answered: Your Burning Questions About What Is Expected Of You As a Submissive

I'm going to guide you to the answers, but you'll still have to do your own work as far as finding the answers that will work for you.

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