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The Real Meaning Behind Service and Serving as a Submissive

Service is any activity or function that you fill to make your dominant partner's life easier. This could be as simple as preparing their coffee, laying out their clothes for them or performing domestic chores. Yes, it does include the play and sex aspects of some relationships, but not all of them are wired this way.

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A Day in the Life

This series will present to you another submissive's typical day of service to their Dominant so you can walk in their shoes for awhile. It's fun to learn and grow and understand where others are coming from. Do you have a story to share? This series is an ongoing one - so please feel free to send me your Day in the Life stories.

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The Evolution of Submission or Why I'm Glad I'm Not the Submissive I Was Ten Years Ago

I'm not the submissive I was ten years ago. I'm someone different, someone more.

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My Struggle with Accepting Domestic Service as Service

What makes what I do service? It's all in the attitude really. Sure I could trudge around scrubbing and cleaning with a frown on my face, looking like I had been made to do this or that and not happy at all. Or I could find the peace in it.

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Is Your Heart Truly In It? - Fulfilling Submission Needs Desire

Submission does not have to be full-time. It doesn't even have to be in the same room. But it does have to fill a need inside of you and when done right should fill you up and reaffirm your choices.

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BDSM and Submission: The Five Precepts of Service

Meditating on these precepts offers me inspiration and guidance. I think of these as five bottomless practices that can be continually explored and deepened. They are not linear and have no value as theories or concepts. To be understood and realized, they have to be lived into and communicated through action.

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Submissive Mythology: The Good Submissive

All forms of submission are unique and personal expressions of your best self. You can take lessons and go through training to learn how to be a better you.

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Stress Overpowering the Dynamic - Submissive Mediation Monday

We all can handle different levels of stress in our lives. Take some time today to reflect on how you manage stress.

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What Should I Try Next: Like Service-based Play? Try Serving Others

If it pleases you like it pleases me to serve your Partner, consider adding service based play that involves other consenting parties. Adding things like hosting parties, formal tea parties or D/s dinners can make you feel good about offering your service.

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Am I Submissive?

So, you want me to tell you how you can tell if you are submissive or not? Asking someone else if you are submissive is like asking a blind man what color your dress is. Is there some magical online quiz that can say whether you are submissive or slave? Unfortunately no and I don't think I'd listen to the results of one if it existed either. Submission isn't something you can find in a self-help book or a therapist. Submission is a calling.

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