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The Question of Aftercare: What is It, Do You Need It and How to Ask For It (And Get It)

Aftercare is an elusive beast. Sometimes I need it and sometimes I'd rather be left alone. I'm never very sure which mood I'll be in when we begin playing but aftercare is always on standby because I take what happens in scene very hard. It goes with my very emotional self.

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Initiating a Discussion About BDSM Interest with a Vanilla Partner

To open a dialog, communicate with your partner to understand what potential there may be, if any, for BDSM to be included in your relationship.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech 8: Showing Gratitude

I'm not perfect now but I know more about saying thank you and the value that it can have. Take the following steps to make your gratitude come from the heart. Use it well and use it often.

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How Do I Let Him Know I'd Like Some Attention?

I want some attention to just an acknowledgment that he knows I exist. Or is wanting that out of line with being submissive?

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Why Isn't Our Relationship Going Anywhere?

Although we aren’t a 24/7 D/s relationship, I feel like it’s not going anywhere? He isn’t doing his part to be informed or active as a Dom no matter how many times I suggest things.

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Feeling Unfulfilled: Do My Sexual Needs Not Matter in a D/s Relationship?

I find myself resentful that, mostly, sex involves his orgasms and not mine. Do I need to accept that my pleasure is not a consideration in our relationship?

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Feeling Like a Failure as a Slave

I know I’m human. Since I am human, that means I’m going to make mistakes. Here are some other tips I’ve found that can help when you find yourself feeling like a failure.

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The Thrill of Knife Play

Knife play runs the edge of what could be construed as safe because, well, knives. The most important thing to know about knife play is that while it is a powerfully sexy tool, it is best used in the hands of an experienced person with an experienced couple.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 18: First Page Ideas

A variety of page ideas to add to your blog or journal that will help you with personal development and give your journal character and personality.

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Where All The Dominants Are and How to Find Them

I've put together all the articles from the site and elsewhere that will help you find a partner that is compatible with you and your desires.

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