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7 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Was New to BDSM

There is always time for a bit of education and knowledge before exploration. It can keep you safe, it can make you more aware, it can keep you safe and it can be fun. What 7 things did I learn that I wish I had known a LONG time ago?

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Can You Be a Boss and a Submissive?

For those in-charge, controlling, decision-making people who recognize that they’re submissive, it’s not that you can or will (or should) submit to just anyone. We submit to the person who earns our trust and confidence. Being in control of one thing does not mean we can’t surrender to someone in our relationships.

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M/s for the Rest of Us

An opinionated review of the book, M/s for the Rest of Us by KE Enzweiler.

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What Everybody Ought To Know About Basic Needs and Need Deficits

The next time you take a look at your needs list, make a note of how important that need is. You can always scale them so that you can make sure your base needs are being met. Never settle for less than what you require. Submissives have needs too, make sure yours get met.

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The Balance of Responsibility in a D/s Relationship

With all BDSM relationships varying so dramatically, it's hard to make a general assumption on who bears the burden of responsibility. It's important to embrace the responsibilities you do have and to act with great diligence when performing those duties.

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The Importance of Taking Your Time Exploring Submission Before Starting a Relationship

At one time or another we all tend to rashly jump into a D/s relationship without really knowing the Dominant that we are surrendering to.

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Fifty Shades of Grey, Consent and the Media's Representation of Kink

Unfortunately, the 50 Shades of Grey series is the litmus test that the mainstream media will now use to judge what those of us in the community consider to be a huge part of who we are.

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It's Not Just The Size That Matters: Playing With an Uncircumcised Penis

Handling an intact penis is different from a cut one, that’s for sure. Here’s what I’ve picked up from the number of penis’ I’ve had intimate connection with a time or two.

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An Open Letter to Everyone Who Wants to Know What a D/s Relationship is Supposed to Look Like

When people ask me what a D/s relationship is like, my first thought is that it is 'like any other relationship,' but that's not entirely accurate. Let me tell you what the common misconceptions are and then we can talk about the reality of a D/s relationship. You may be surprised to learn that they aren't as foreign as you think.

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