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Too Young for BDSM - Responding to the Questions I Get from Underage Persons

At least once a month I get an email from someone that is under 18 asking very important questions about BDSM and their curious interest. Here are some of the questions and answers I generally give these persons.

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Improving Your Submission - Accepting Punishment

Accepting punishment gracefully when you are in a Discipline Dynamic takes practice (but not too much practice!) In this video, you'll learn the steps to making punishment go as smoothly as possible for you.

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How To Identify Potential Fake Dominants, Predators and Posers

Fake Dominants are everywhere and have many tricks up their sleeve. I'm sure I've even scratched the surface of what things they can do to try to get you to believe in them and open up. Stay safe, use your common sense and if it feels wrong it probably is.

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A Slap in the Face: Exploring Face Slapping in BDSM

A slap can say a lot of things, given the circumstances and the parties involved. To some, a slap in the face can say “I love you.” It can say, “you've fucked up.” It can say any number of things in between. But something it will always convey is “you're Mine.” The control and the ownership that is inherent in that one motion can be overwhelming. He loves me enough to discipline me when I need it.

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Kink and Mental Health: Can “sub drop” be a trigger?

With regard to the question of whether or not sub drop could trigger a depressive episode (for lack of a better description), my honest answer has to be, I don't know. In this wide world, where things are constantly changing, and everyone's just a little bit different than everyone else, it would be impossible for me to say for sure how anyone I haven't dealt with for a decent amount of time will react to any circumstance.

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Purging Your Emotional Garbage Can Will Prepare You Better for Service

I'm sure we've all heard that this or that person comes with too much baggage. The reason I see that this is an issue at all in new relationships is due to the way it's handled. That baggage, whether it be debt, past partners still present somehow, grief, emotional issues or any other items that are brought in can weigh hard on the responsibilities of the new partner and how they interact with each other. Now, couple that with this unreal belief that a Dominant will 'fix' all that for the submissive and you are dealing with an explosive situation.

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What to Do When Your Dominant is Not Emotionally Available

It is possible that emotional availability is not the problem at all -- it's just plain availability. All of us have busy lives these days.

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How an Outline Aligned My Submission and What You Can Learn From Your Own Outline

Sure it seems odd at first, but once you write down your key reasons for being submissive and then flesh it out with how to improve, what your talents, skills, and abilities are it's nice to see it all written out. I've referred to the 0utline a couple times so far when I feel that inner voice creep in to break me down.

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The Best-selling Items on Amazon According to What Our Readers Are Buying

Today I spent some time digging into the purchases of BDSM books and have compiled the following breakdown of best selling books and some odds and ends that surprised us.

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How to Navigate D/s with Family Around

Perhaps one of the most challenging decisions we face as a parent is what we should tell our children, when and how much.

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