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Master/slave Mastery - Advanced: Rekindling the fire, ideas that matter

According to the author, the concepts in the book are meant for persons with at least 5 years experience in an M/s dynamic who want to explore the philosophy behind why people engage in M/s relationships, not the basics or the how-tos.

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What Happens At Your First Munch?

So you are ready to venture into the great wide expanse of public life and meet people face to face. That's great! A munch is a safe and fun environment to do that in. A munch is a meet and greet of kinky folks in a public to semi-private space where you can get to know people, talk and ask questions and just enjoy feeling good about who you are without having to hide anything.

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Those First Few Baby Steps into BDSM and Submission

Everyone has to start here. The very beginning, where all the jargon of BDSM starts to fill your mind and overwhelm your feelings. You think you are a pervert, or not normal. You could even be trying to suppress those kinky thoughts from your mind. But they keep creeping back in, don't they. For the brave souls that start searching for a common thread in their heads, a like-mindedness you can be sure that there is a sea of differences to swim through to get there.

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A Mentor is Not Your Dom: Learning How to Connect with Experienced People For Submissive Development

If a Dominant approaches you and offers to be your mentor, make sure you clarify with them what you expect from them and for your own sake, keep it platonic. Your personal growth will be much improved and when that perfect Dominant comes along you'll be ready.

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What Makes a Good Dominant?

I think there are a few characteristics that may exist in common, a lot of which are often found in a good 'normal' relationship too!

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A Safe Call Could Save Your Life: How to Set It Up

A safe call is something that you may never need to use but should be there anyway. Like car insurance. It's there in the case of an accident. It's not like you plan on getting into an accident so you get insurance. It's the other way around. A safe call is your backup plan, your safety net. In fact, it could very well save your life. Are you in good hands?

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How Do I Tell My Family that I'm Committing to My Dominant?

I would like some advice on how to tell my family and my children who are teenagers that I am committing myself to my Dom.

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Little Does Not Equal Irresponsible

The reason why people outside the AB/DL and little lifestyle tend to think littles are irresponsible is because they assume since we enjoy childlike things, then obviously we are like children in all aspects, and this includes being irresponsible.

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Build Self-Esteem through Grooming Rituals: Series Intro

When you’re being asked to put your body on display for various purposes, having a low self-esteem or an unhappy body image can be detrimental to how you conduct yourself in and out of play.

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Where Can I Go to Talk to Someone about Submission?

Finding submissive support groups isn't as hard as you might think.

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