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What's With All These BDSM Checklists?

A checklist can be very helpful for you when you are first starting out. You can learn what you might like to try and get answers to things you don't know about. Some of the more detailed checklists can seem overwhelming but please realize that you don't have to like everything. Pick and choose and be honest.

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The Posh Girl's Guide to Play

Sure she has some creative ideas on how to play out scenes, but she won't get my support for this book.

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How You Can Help Your Partner Become More Dominant

I've always been the strongest one in my relationships. He isn't weak, but very calm and he has always set me "free"...too much, if I have to say the truth. I hope it makes sense...he's understanding, we are talking about it a lot...but I need some extra advice. I don't want to confuse him even more...

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A Lesson in Control with Self-Punishment

Every submissive I know, including myself, hate to get into trouble, but it's going to happen. We have to admit that there will be times of backsliding, pushing limits and general disobedience in our learning. It's a part of growth. Don't think of punishment as something bad, but as something to help us grow inward.

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With the Stroke of a Cane: Enjoying Caning

I'm fairly new to caning, but I've discovered that I like it a lot (even if I can't take as much as some people can). I was afraid of canes for a long time because I had heard they're rough pain-wise. While I like pain I'm not truly a pain slut. And it's true, they are rough - the impact is concentrated along one thin area. But I find that a caning puts me into subspace wonderfully, perhaps better than any other implement.

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Don’t Touch Other People’s Property: The Golden Rule at BDSM Functions

A golden rule of BDSM is that you do not touch other people’s property. Perhaps this man didn’t get the memo or didn’t realize that people can be property too. It’s hard to speculate now. Either way, let’s talk about the importance of keeping your hands to yourself when in a BDSM social or other form of D/s gathering.

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Is Submission a Need?

The issue is I feel like I have a need to submit. It's not just fun for me; I crave it on every aspect, not just sexually. Is this normal? How can I explain to my girlfriend that our sporadic play is fun, but I need more rules and structure?

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The Role of a Collar in a Long Distance D/s Relationship

Wearing a collar is not just a way to signify to myself and others that I have given myself to another person, it’s a way to comfort myself when I’m feeling alone and to reassure myself on the days when I don’t feel actively submissive.

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Seeing a Desirable Me: Learning Body Confidence through the Fingers of a Lover

Accepting his gaze and touch would mean accepting my shape as sexual and appealing. I would have to start seeing myself as he sees me. A very desirable body.

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Thoughts on Isolation and Feeling Alone

The more isolated I am, the more isolated I want to be. The more I rely on Master to satisfy any needs I have, the less I want anyone or anything to interfere with that.

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