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Don’t Let Your Big Goals Intimidate You: Break Them Into Smaller Steps

We’re inspired to accomplish something, but before we can do the work, we need to break it down into smaller actionable steps. Tiny pieces of steps that we can easily understand and accomplish. It’s far easier to manage a bigger goal when it’s broken down into manageable bite-sized pieces than one that isn’t.

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Hard and Soft Limits? The Sooner You Know About Them The Better

As a submissive, one of the first things you will be asked by almost every Dom/me is: what are your limits? You will encounter this sometimes in chat, in play, and when negotiating a relationship with a new Dom/me. If you are playing with a new Dom/me and aren’t asked this question, my advice is not to play with the person. I have heard Dom/mes say that They don’t play with safe words or limits because They know what They are doing. How can a Dom/me know if you have health issues or triggers or are just plain terrified of something unless you tell them?

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D/s Breakups

The breakup of a relationship is a difficult time for those involved. It is fraught with emotion and frustration. It makes it even more painful when the lines of trust are cemented like those in a D/s relationship. Likened to going through a period of grief you are sure to experience an array of feelings that can vary from fear, anger, rage, and denial. Seek comfort and help in the following articles.

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A Feminist Submissive - Does Such a Person Exist? Yes! And I'll Tell You Why

Moving to a personal level, I have identified with feminism since I could say the word. As I grew up, I would say that my ‘type’ of feminism was definitely more of a political viewpoint. I felt that I needed to be strong and in control. I had to be a partner with my spouse, and he felt I had to be independent and make my own decisions. While this helped me develop into the strong, independent woman I am today, it also created a vacuum in my personal life. I had to be in control all of the time, and eventually, I realized this had cost me much of my expression of sexuality and my feelings of femininity. I went into the exploration of the lifestyle looking to fill a need, to find out what was missing in my life.

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Is It Possible to Live as a Slave 24/7?

The best I can hope for each day, every day is to serve Him faithfully and to the best of my abilities and to love Him unconditionally. I don't lose sight of my place with Him, and we manage a 24/7 lifestyle just fine.

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Are You A Reflection of Your Dominant?

Kind, good-intentioned people say that submissives should be on their best behavior because they are the reflection of the Dominant who owns them. The personal responsibility of the submissive is all of a sudden not taken into account.

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Your Kink is Not my Kink - Understanding Other People's Kinks

We need to take a step forward and be less judgmental and open to other people's kinks. Here's a story of one such discrimination. Learn to support each other.

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M/s and When Life Happens: Unexpected Happenings

When it comes to the Lifestyle we don’t want ‘life’ happening all over our fantasies, planned event schedules, and our perfectly kink based relationships.

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How to Deal With the Question of Being Kinky and a Parent

Confusion or being judgmental - clearing the air on why you can, in fact, be a great parent and still be kinky.

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Channeling Guilt with Housework

I think that housework is a good way to channel any overwhelming emotion – in my case guilt or sadness

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