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Showing 241 to 250 of 1485.

Review: Jealousy Survival Guide by Kitty Chambliss

The Jealousy Survival Guide: How to feel safe, happy, and secure in an open relationship by Kitty Chambliss is the best little book on jealousy in open relationships out there right now. I’m finding positive coping mechanisms, learning how to manage my feelings and also why they exist in the first place. If you’ve had any moments of jealousy because of an open relationship and your feelings about your partner’s partners, this is definitely a book you should check out.

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Vaginal Fisting: How You Too Can Experience a Hand in the Bush

Fisting is amazing and incredible. It is something to be cautious about, but I don’t think it is necessary to fear it. Fisting is dangerous. But it can be a safer, saner and consensual activity. Other than hands: lube, communication skills, gloves, and patience are the necessary tools to move forward into the great divine. The only other factor is time.

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Celebrate 10 YEARS of Submissive Guide With The Top 20 Articles of All Time

It’s time for a celebration on the site! This year is Submissive Guide’s tenth anniversary! We’re looking back at the top articles on the site that helped bring the site to where it is today.

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Dirty Talk

When someone says “Talk dirty to me baby…” in the bedroom the hopefully-soon-to-be dirty talker instantly freezes like a soaking wet roll of toilet paper being thrown out of an igloo in Antarctica.What should you say? What do they want you to say? What if you say too much? What if you say too little?

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Can I Access Subspace Too?

I'm teaching you today is how you can try to reach subspace. No matter how hard it is for you in the past there is a way for you to experience some or all of what subspace has to offer.

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Strengths and Misconceptions of Kajira

The Gorean lifestyle actually allows women to be women and men to be Men. I am a woman, quite categorically female and I am a completely different creature of the human species type to Men, I am softer in nature, more emotional, curvier and more able to love unconditionally. Gor allows me to be true to my nature and to myself.

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Formal Training – Do You Need It?

Do you need formal training? Sometimes that may be the only way it will work, but in most cases there is no need for structured time to learn a new behavior - it just comes with practice and education. Embrace that your life is continuously about study and practice.

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A Day in the Life: lunaKM

The day in the life of lunaKM. Part of the Day in the Life Series.

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Why That Dominant You Found Online Just Disappeared After a Short Time

I'm going to present a short list of reasons why this person fit so perfectly into your life and then vanished without a second glance.

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Strong and Submissive: Exploring the Phenomenon of Strong Female Submissives

About half of us are like me - powerful energetic women who love to submit. I become even more of the strong woman that I am outside the bedroom, the strong woman who revels both in her strength and in her submission.

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