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Content related to "Novice Submissives Start Here"


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The Kinky Girl's Guide to Dating

It was really an easy read, unlike a lot of resource books of the BDSM persuasion. If I were single I'd consider this book a perfect bedside companion and guide for my own search. I definitely could have used this book when I was first starting out and perhaps I would have made fewer mistakes that I regret.

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31 Flavors of Kink by Leia Shaw and Cari Silverwood

31 Flavors of Kink by Leia Shaw and Cari Silverwood is completely unlike any fictional BDSM book that I have read. Check out the review!

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Opening Up: A Guide To Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino

If you are in an open relationship of any kind or are thinking about entering into an open relationship or thinking about opening up your current relationship, you need to read this book.

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10 Red Flags of Bad or Abusive Dominants

I'm going to give you 10 Red Flags that can indicate you are with an abusive person. This is nowhere near an exhaustive list. There are many many more flags out there. See the list of other essays below if you want a more in depth article.

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Sub v. Slave: A Second Opinion

To me there is quite a difference between being submissive and a slave. A submissive retains the power over themselves and their body. Many are not going to agree with me on this. I don't feel that discipline, true discipline should be put in place with a sub. If a submissive still has power over themselves then how can they really mess up to the point of punishment outside of play. Slaves on the other hand, particularly those who live it 24/7 sometimes need punishment just for the sake of training, being kept in line and as a reminder of their place.

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Exploring Impact Play: A Variety of Pleasures

Impact play for me is very freeing sometimes it’s like a very intense full body massage breaking the stress of the day, the week, the month. I personally prefer when Sir uses his hands it makes it so much more personal and I believe strengthens our connection, however floggers and paddles can take me there as well.

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BDSM and Submission: The Five Precepts of Service

Meditating on these precepts offers me inspiration and guidance. I think of these as five bottomless practices that can be continually explored and deepened. They are not linear and have no value as theories or concepts. To be understood and realized, they have to be lived into and communicated through action.

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Recapturing Common Sense

All novice submissives have a moment where a lapse in judgment can happen. No one is impervious to the lures of desire and dark needs. When offered a chance to experiment or explore our new-found desires we overlook that most important instinct - our gut instinct.

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How I Started a Simple BDSM Protocol, and How You Can Too!

Protocol isn't lovely to see because it's complex, it's lovely to see because it takes something so simple and makes it special.

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The Training Collar

Thoughts of a training collar occur when the Dominant and submissive have grown much more serious and that they are actively bonding and attaching to each other with considerations of a potentially long-term full-time relationship.

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