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Content related to "Novice Submissives Start Here"


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Why the Word 'Training' Confuses Novice Submissives

The word 'training' is a stumbling block for many novices and experienced submissives alike. The reason for this is that so many define training as the organized learning of behavior and activities in structured sessions or steps and that once complete, your training is complete. Let's dispel that myth right now. Submissive and slave training is not set up this way. It is far far different.

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Do I have to Like Pain to be Submissive?

If you are a submissive, or learning about submission and don't like pain or don't think you like pain then that doesn't mean you aren't submissive.

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Handling an Addiction While in Service

I am a binge eater and secret eater. I'm addicted to food and the way it makes me feel. While I'm sure this may not be anything like a drug addiction or alcohol I don't have experience with them so I can't write about them. I can write about how my Master and I are dealing with this addiction and my recovery.

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The Gift of Submission, Or Is It?

When I first started exploring submission I heard and read numerous times that submission is a gift to the Dominant that accepts it. For a long time, I subscribed to this way of thinking and there is nothing wrong with thinking about your submission this way. I'm not here to tell you that you are wrong. I am hoping that I can give you a different perspective about your submission that you may not have thought about.

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You Are What You Read: What Got You Into BDSM and D/s?

Some people think it is to do with their nature from birth, others think it is how they are nurtured and what they experience in life. I think perhaps I am somewhere between the middle in my belief on that issue.

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The Role of a Collar in a Long Distance D/s Relationship

Wearing a collar is not just a way to signify to myself and others that I have given myself to another person, it’s a way to comfort myself when I’m feeling alone and to reassure myself on the days when I don’t feel actively submissive.

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Fifty Shades of Grey, Consent and the Media's Representation of Kink

Unfortunately, the 50 Shades of Grey series is the litmus test that the mainstream media will now use to judge what those of us in the community consider to be a huge part of who we are.

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Learning Bimbofication: "Feeling Slutty" Feels Negative

My Master is into what is called, "bimbofication". I feel like my Master has done a great job with moving in baby steps, yet I still get overwhelmed. How can I stop from feeling overwhelmed by all these changes? How can I overcome associating feminine things with sluttiness?

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Sexual Compromise: When You're Only A Little Horny

Sometimes I want to be horny, or I am physically horny but my mind isn’t into it. In these situations, I have to find a workaround to get myself where I personally want to be.

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