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How to Choose the Right BDSM Collar

If you’ve ever bought a collar or necklace online because the picture was beautiful only to hate it once you put it on, you’re not alone. When we say we can help you find the “right” BDSM collar -- we mean the right one for you.

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Define This! Being Bad vs. Being a Brat

Being bad will garner negative consequences while being a brat with someone who wants a brat can often lead to fun play, bantering and a closer connection with their Dominant. Let's explore the other differences.

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What Your Defining Moment Means to Your Submissive Future

How your defining moment occurs has an impact on how your future will develop as a submissive. However, you decide to handle the moment will decide your future.

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You've Been a Bad Submissive: Learn How to Atone and Forgive Yourself

As a submissive, it's hard to not beat yourself up over being unintentionally disobedient. I've been known to mope around for days after I've been in trouble; basically still punishing myself - even though the punishment is complete. Punishment is so that when it's complete you can move on with a clear slate. So, how do you cure that post-infraction funk?

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Keeping It Fresh - How to Spice Up Your Kinky Life

Every relationship experiences periods of boredom in the bedroom, kinky ones are not excluded from this. So what do you do about it?

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How Do You Deal With Discomfort Being a Plus Sized Submissive?

The idea of spending a lot of time naked and exposed terrifies me, especially if a lot of crawling is involved, which I think he will ask me. How do you deal with your discomfort over your body with your partner? Part of me says to just trust him to take the lead on this matter, but I’m not sure.

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10 Tips to Calm Your Nerves When Meeting a Dominant for the First Time

The nervous energy attached to meeting a Dominant for the first time doesn’t go away for everyone. If you know a few tips and ways to calm your nerves before the big date, you’ll feel relaxed and ready to put your best foot forward.

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Be Not Ashamed - Accepting Who You Are and Where You Came From

What I wish for you, dear reader, is that you accept yourself for who you are really. Embrace it with boldness and move forward in your life with that new freedom.

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Cyber Realities: Online and Long Distance Relationship Thoughts

Mistress Steel's thoughts on cyber submission and kink.

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Explain It To Me: The Draw of Being Spanked

Despite being commonplace in kinky relationships, explaining the appeal of being spanked to someone who is new to the scene or curious about it can be difficult.

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