Embracing your single submissiveness is a strong and empowering trait. You can live a fulfilling singlehood if you remind yourself that there is much to do before you are ready to accept someone’s control of you.
Embracing your single submissiveness is a strong and empowering trait. You can live a fulfilling singlehood if you remind yourself that there is much to do before you are ready to accept someone’s control of you.
Being a single submissive can be a special time in your exploration and development.
Read The Article | Find SimilarPatience isn’t always something we have, but it something you can learn. You can find other ways to feed your needs while you look. You can get through being single.
Read The Article | Find SimilarBeing single is hard. If you want to find a Dominant you have to go where they mingle.
Read The Article | Find SimilarUnlike the fact that you can't be a wife without a husband, being submissive isn't a title. Either you have it in your or you don't. I am submissive and thrive in situations where I can serve - no matter where that occurs.
Read The Article | Find SimilarBy setting our boundaries, we can ensure that we are navigating the ‘lifestyle’ waters as safely as possible. This is a personal responsibility that each of us have that is at its core about self preservation.
Read The Article | Find SimilarThe slave resume is a snapshot of you - the services you thrive in, something you'd like to learn, S&M experiences/desires, interests, hobbies, in other words, you're sharing the highlights of yourself that you desire to find a compatible match for.
Read The Article | Find SimilarAs we apply the term service to hierarchical relationships, it’s really simple: what the Owner requires or needs. Those things that make the Owner’s life easier, more comfortable, and more joyous (at the very least).
Read The Article | Find SimilarPetitioning is an acknowledgment of structure and formality; it is definitely a humbling experience for a slave. It is also a way for a slave to solidly express their desires – no hemming and hawing, no beating around the bush, just a determined statement of the desire.
Read The Article | Find SimilarI had to learn that if I’m doing the surrender journey right, a transformation is gonna happen, plain and simple!
Read The Article | Find SimilarI’m of the opinion that there are many slaves who are unowned for one reason: fear of being vulnerable. I believe with all my being that if we don’t start reconciling ourselves with vulnerability, what we give in regards to service will come more from the surface than the core.
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