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What is Transactional Service?

When I first think of transactional service I think of a business transaction. Someone pays you for a service and you provide that service. Transactional service for the submissive is very much the same. You do something for your Dominant and in return you get something.

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Out of the Office and Into the Home: Making the Change From Working to Stay-at-Home Submissive

Overall it has been a positive change, even if it wasn't planned to happen right now. We are rolling with the change, making it work for us and honestly, are very happy with how things are developing for us. Staying-at-home is work, but work that I can feel good about because it is improving our personal life and enhancing our dynamic.

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The Impact of Pregnancy on Submission: Service and Play

When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that crossed my mind was "oh no! How will my service be affected? How will my ability to be pleasing in bed and in kink be affected?" I was surprised when (at least for the first few months) that the answer was "It was not affected at all."

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30 Days of Submission: Day 3 - That Submissive Feeling

How do you know you are submissive or have the potential to be submissive?

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Accepting Fear through Obedience

I hope I always fear You. I hope You always keep me one step away from being comfortable and complacent.

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Always Striving to be a Perfect Submissive Leaves You Less of Yourself - Here's Why

I think there are a couple of good reasons people strive for perfection, but what we tend to forget is that if we are constantly doing that we can never truly enjoy where we are at any point.

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Feeling Unfulfilled: Do My Sexual Needs Not Matter in a D/s Relationship?

I find myself resentful that, mostly, sex involves his orgasms and not mine. Do I need to accept that my pleasure is not a consideration in our relationship?

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Do You Like Freebies? Support Submissive Guide on Patreon and Be Rewarded!

My Patreon page is where you can help support Submissive Guide on an ongoing basis, in exchange for some exclusive perks. Come see what rewards you can get for pennies a day.

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Write an Online BDSM Dating Profile That Gets Results!

I'll help you figure out what to have on your profile to help you get the attention you want and how to handle the attention you don't want.

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Finding a Compatible Partner in the Lifestyle

Yes, it is hard to find that special partner who will give you what you want and compliment you in every aspect. However, think back to when you were dating in the vanilla realm. Was it just as hard? Some of you will say no, some will say yes. Those of you that say no, why is that you think?

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