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Content related to "Start Here: New to BDSM Pack"


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The Surrendered Wife

Not all of the suggestions would work towards a D/s relationship, but as with everything you read, it's best to take what you can and leave the rest. A book can only be as good as what you get out of it, so for that reason, I'd have to give it a relatively low rating in comparison to D/s oriented books as far as helpfulness is concerned.

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Orgasm Control: Learning How to Ask for an Orgasm

In D/s sexuality one of the more common rules is that the Dominant controls the orgasms and sexual release of the submissive. Some require that the submissive not even touch themselves without the say so of the Dominant. In this style of power exchange it is familiar territory that the submissive will learn how to ask for an orgasm whether in or outside of a scene.

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Virgins Can Love BDSM Too: How Sexual Preference Doesn't Have to Involve Sex

I'm here to say that you can be interested in BDSM even if you've never done it yet. That's because I believe that just like your sexual preference to be with guys or girls is born not bred, your sexual predilection to BDSM activities is part of who you are.

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The Importance of Taking Your Time Exploring Submission Before Starting a Relationship

At one time or another we all tend to rashly jump into a D/s relationship without really knowing the Dominant that we are surrendering to.

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An Introduction to Body Service

One of the more intimate ways that we submissives can serve our Dominants is by learning and performing grooming duties usually left to themselves to do.

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How To Tell A Dominant That You Are Not Interested In Them

Okay so some of you are thinking, why would you bother with courtesies when the messages you received didn't have any? I'm going to tell you that you need to be the better person. You need to treat them as you wish to be treated even if they don't reciprocate. Let me be clear. I'm hoping you'll learn to be a positive influence in your own life and have as few regrets as possible. Treating someone poorly when a little sugar does the same thing is not a very decent thing to do and not something a prospective or current partner would want.

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Submissive Advent - Day 11: Pancake Identity

How many times in your submissive journey have you thought about the words we use to identify ourselves and feel that they just don't feel quite right?

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How To Ask for More Without Being a Pushy Submissive

Submissive or not; once you've learned how to communicate effectively don't settle for less.

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Am I Trying Hard Enough? Learning How to Make the Most of Your Inner Submissive Voice

That inner nagging voice that never goes away can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It can help you remember your focus but it can also drive you insane if you’re not careful

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Traveling With Toys: A Submissive's Dilemma

To make toy storage easier, I discovered that the ideal toy bag.

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