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How to Give Good Initial Submissive Interviews for a D/s Relationship

When you first start talking to a potential Dominant you go through an initial interview. A lot of times this is just a period where basic questions are asked and your answers help the Dominant gauge just how interested you are in them, how compatible you are with them and what your intelligence level is.

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The Challenges of Being Kajira in Today’s Society

The challenges are being able to live and be who you are without having to justify yourself to every fucking stranger – and family – because your lifestyle and relationship dynamic doesn’t fit modern day societal norms we have had rammed down our throats every single day since we were born.

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Can You Separate BDSM and Sex?

But can you really separate the sex from BDSM? You have to admit that much of what we do during play time is rooted in sexual pleasure and sensation. Even if you are never touched sexually you can achieve orgasm. Does this make it sex or BDSM?

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8 Reasons Why Your Dominant Takes Care of You When You Are Sick

I've been reminded again today as I lay about sick with a snazzy summer flu of feeling like a failure or useless that I can't serve him and even worse when he brings me my medicine and tucks me in bed for another afternoon nap.

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Service: There’s an App for that!

Well, there’s not really an App for service. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were? However, there are a lot of Apps out there that can make running your household (and your Master!) a lot easier!

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5 Simple Steps to Creating a Personal Submissive Mantra

For a personal mantra to work, it has to be positive. It has to reaffirm your choices in life and establish a realistic goal you can accomplish or a life dream fulfilled.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 24 - Emotional Connection to Submission

What are the emotions that most directly let you access submission?

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So You Want to Share Your Kink with Your Vanilla Partner - What You Need to Know

I want my partner to be Dominant/submissive but I’m afraid they’ll judge me or leave me if I tell them.

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Connecting With Your Dominant While They Are Away

Things you can do to feel closer to your Dominant and help fuel the connection you have when they can not be with you.

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Always Getting in Trouble - Submissive Meditation Monday

It seems that no matter how long you've been doing this thing we call submission, there are times of rebellion, confusion, frustration and just not getting it right.

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