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The Control Book

What a submissive can learn from this book is how a Dominant uses power and control to give them what they need. After all, many of us are control-sensitive submissives and derives pleasure and satisfaction from this type of relationship.

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Bondage Snippets by Verianna LaCroix

This book is very much like being at a munch or roundtable discussion about the lifestyle, but just in the privacy of your own home, or wherever you enjoy doing your reading.

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Keeping D/s Alive Through Engagement and Marriage

I feel bad that sometimes lately I have forgotten I am marrying my Master and not just the man I love. There have been things we have been doing however to keep the D/s active.

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5 Ways to Stop Thinking of Work When You Come Home to Your Dominant

It’s a struggle to change your power position mind from work to the subservient mind of the submissive at home. I know I spent a lot of time in time out when I got home because I would start my arrival from work with demands and fussiness and arguing. I had to learn quickly what would work for me to shift gears. You too can learn to shift your mindset from a work mind to your submissive at home mindset with just a few steps.

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Having Enough Love for More than Just One Partner

Being in a polyamorous relationship is about sharing my entire being with someone else other than just Daddy. Yes, being in a polyamorous relationship isn’t easy and takes a lot of work, but if all people involved are willing to make the relationship work, then it can work.

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Online Submissive Without Any Direction

With many online relationships, directions are not as clear since you don't get any nonverbal cues to a conversation as you would in a face to face relationship. I'm going to try to cover your concerns as best as I can.

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Understanding the Reason Behind, "Am I The Only One?" and How to Respond (With a Bit of Netiquette Rules)

The underlying response to this question is simple, but the reason the person asked it is because it doesn't feel simple to them. Give the person compassion, not snark.

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Ethical BDSM Falls on Both Sides of the Slash

Each partner is responsible for making a relationship ethical. No matter what side of the slash you fall on.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 10: Ways to Personalize Your Physical Journal

Physical journals allow you to open up your creativity and arts and crafts. Here are some ideas you can use to add personality to your notebook.

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The Submissive Blues - Submissive Meditation Monday

Sometimes you can feel so disconnected with your submission that you begin to question who you are. Here's my meditation on my personal struggle.

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