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3 Ways to Recover From a Fight and Return to Submission Post-Argument

How do you then pick up the role again? It's not always as easy as you think. You are likely to be emotionally charged, perhaps you are still feeling pains of anger, frustration or sadness. Turning around and being submissive again has to get over those hurdles first.

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Define This: Safeword

In this video series, I define terms that readers have asked me about! This one is all about safewords. Do you have a term you'd like defined? Let me know.

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The Importance of Consent in D/s Negotiation

Consent and Negotiation are probably something that we think about but don’t really acknowledge daily. It is important none the less to think about and address in a Dominant/submissive relationship.

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Are Relationships Not Worth Working On? How a Recent Challenge Brought Out The Disposable Relationship Mentality

The lack of effort in relationships is a startling reality in today's gotta-have-it-now society. Perhaps I'm old school or old fashioned but what I'm seeing in today's society, and not just the BDSM culture, is the lack of effort in relationships. As I was raised I was taught that something worthwhile wasn't always easy to achieve and you may have to work hard to get it.

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Are Discipline and Punishment The Same?

Discipline and Punishment. The words are far from the same however some dynamics treat them the same. In fact, for the longest time, I have used the word punishment when I mean discipline. It’s even possible that Master has used these words interchangeably as well. I’ve done some thinking to try to sort out what these two words mean in our dynamic and how they are employed. I have a preference for clearly defined terms and boundaries so these two words are worth defining.

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What is the "Spirit of the Rule"

So, what is the Spirit of the Rule? It is the underlying foundation of the rule. The reason the rule exists.

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Beginning Domestic Service: Save Money, Time and Sanity with Menu Planning

Menu planning can save you money, time and just sanity. I menu plan when I make my grocery list. I start by going through my pantry and freezer and throwing out things that are old, expired or don’t look good/smell good. Maybe I have 5 pounds of chicken but only 1 pound of ground beef - then I better start planning chicken for the menu. I straighten things up and organize so that I have a clear view of items I have and can use. It also makes putting away groceries easier if things are more organized.

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The Internal and External Struggles of a Submissive

Submission definitely isn't easy. No matter what direction your journey takes you will have moments where struggle and strife challenge you to continue your submission.

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What to Do When Punishment Starts to Feel Good

I should be accepting punishment for misbehavior and yet I'm getting turned on by the spanking or the evil stick that used to spell doom for my punishment and it starts to feel good. Now, what do I do?

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What are my limits?

There's a lot you can do to learn about BDSM and what your limits might be.

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