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Solo-Coaching: Three Key Elements to Fire Your Motivation for Change as a Submissive

We all aspire to improve our lives and wish to take on the challenge to make those changes, but quickly we’ll realize that motivation is the key to that change. You can’t become a better submissive if you don’t have the motivation to make those changes.

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Topping from the Bottom

Topping from the bottom is a misunderstood term in BDSM, especially if you are a novice. Topping from the bottom is when you simultaneously adopt both roles. This could be in the form of giving commands, refusing requests or moving to control the location of impacts during play. Generally, it is frowned upon to try to force the Dominant’s hand to do something they do not wish to do.

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Discipline and Punishment

Discipline comes in all shapes and sizes.It is a part of molding a submissive’s behavior and making corrections when they step out of line. Punishment though is a different beast. Punishment is for very severe infractions. I consider this to be things that could be deal breakers or relationship-enders. Punishment of this caliber should be rare or not at all. These differences are discussed and explored in the following series.

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For People Looking to Discover Your Submissive Nature

Discovering your submissive nature isn't always a sudden process. For many people it takes some soul searching to see that you may enjoy being a people-pleaser or that when someone asks you to do something you happily do it without a second thought. For others it takes some social reprogramming to allow your full nature to come out.

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Am I supposed to Love my Dominant?

I've noticed on almost every website I've visited that in almost all cases, there are certain "feelings" involved between Doms and their subs. I, however, do not have those feelings for Sir. Yes, I trust Him with my life, and I know if I ever need anything I can call on Him, but I don't LOVE Him. Is this normal or am I just messed up?

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Five Reasons Why You Shouldn't Manipulate Your Vanilla Man into Being a Dominant

People often misunderstand how relationship communication works because they may have had such poor examples or think that coercing or manipulating someone is par for the course.

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How Being Too Eager Is Not Always a Good Thing for a Submissive

Being too eager can endanger your rational thought, your emotional and physical well-being and create a line for Dominants to take advantage of you. Here's where eagerness gets tricky.

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But I Don't Like Pain! Learning to See the Eroticism in Pain as Pleasure

I can show you that pain is indeed something erotic when used correctly and in the right situations. Pain doesn't have to be painful, and other stimuli can be pleasurable and can either mask pain or enhance it.

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How Can I Get Less Bruising from Caning?

I haven't been able to sit for the last four days... I like pain, but caning isn't what I thought, is there anything I can do beforehand to make it a better experience?

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 6: Why New Submissives Should Write a Submissive Journal

Can a journal help you when you are single or brand new to submission? And what would you put in it? Let me share with you a few ways that a journal can help you grow in learning and submission as a single submissive and as a new person to BDSM.

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