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Define This: What is “Vanilla”?

In this Define This! Episode we talk about the term “vanilla” and how it can be interpreted throughout the BDSM culture.

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Can You Be a Boss and a Submissive?

For those in-charge, controlling, decision-making people who recognize that they’re submissive, it’s not that you can or will (or should) submit to just anyone. We submit to the person who earns our trust and confidence. Being in control of one thing does not mean we can’t surrender to someone in our relationships.

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Opening Up: A Guide To Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino

If you are in an open relationship of any kind or are thinking about entering into an open relationship or thinking about opening up your current relationship, you need to read this book.

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Processing Pain and Being a Masochist

Being that I’m a masochist, I love pain. I’ve never really thought about it or analyzed what that means really, but reading other people’s blogs has always helped me see that saying I’m masochist is just another huge personal term in BDSM as a whole. So, to think it though, this is what being a masochist means to me. I eroticize pain.

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How to Write a BDSM Scene Report

The point of a scene report requested is to help you analyze your responses and emotions surrounding the play. So let's figure out how to write a useful scene report.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship: Trust is Like a Mirror...

Trust is an extremely important factor in the lifestyle, and not just in the bedroom. You can’t have the trust in the bedroom if you don’t have the trust outside of the bedroom.

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What a Romantic Dominant/submissive Relationship Looks Like

For us romance is a part of our M/s relationship. Without knowing he loves me completely I don't think I could submit to him in the same way.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: The Ten Minute Challenge

The secret to a clean home and less stress over tidying up is to break it into smaller tasks. Try 10 min clean. It's a breakthrough in your chore routine.

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Solo-Coaching - Tearing Down Old Defensive Behaviors

Sometimes, as we grow up, we hang on to old defense mechanisms that served us fine at the time, but now seem to garner negative feedback. Here's how you too can rewrite old defensive behaviors into something that will serve you much better.

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Sample Master/slave contract - Basic

A great basic contract example to use for your own D/s relationships. Copy it completely or use it to customize for your own personal relationship (preferred).

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