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Showing 1041 to 1050 of 1486.

14 Kinky Romantic Ideas for Your D/s Relationship

When you want to engage in a kink filled relationship, can you still have romance? These romantic tips are a twist on the standard ideas of romance to add a bit of kinky fun to your relationship.

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Is Submission in Opposition to Feminism?

I believe that the feminist movement can move in parallel to what submission is to the D/s world. It's about making choices, even if the choice is to not have any choices.

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Accepting 24/7 D/s as a Real Relationship Style

No one can live 24/7 D/s. I hear it a lot. These people say that life gets in the way and you can't be Dominant and submissive all the time. The people that say they can't lead a 24/7 life always throw excuses in the mix. I beg to differ. It's a matter of setting priorities.

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Know Thyself, Don't Rush Into a Relationship Until You Know These Six Things

Being a single submissive preparing for a relationship is just about as much work as those of us in relationships. Personal development should be your main focus. I have six very important tasks that should help you prepare for a happy future.

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Service: There’s an App for that!

Well, there’s not really an App for service. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were? However, there are a lot of Apps out there that can make running your household (and your Master!) a lot easier!

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Dealing With Submissive Burnout

There are times where I don’t feel like being a slave. The good thing, burnout isn’t a permanent problem.

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Everyone Needs a Break, Right - Do you Break from Submission?

While I can't say that everyone takes a break it's good to know that we can without it being the end of our submission altogether. I hope you will forever remain happy, on whatever phase of submission you are currently in.

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We all Stumble - Submissive Meditation Monday

It can come upon us suddenly. That realization that you've backslid in your journey.

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Fifty Shades of Grey, Consent and the Media's Representation of Kink

Unfortunately, the 50 Shades of Grey series is the litmus test that the mainstream media will now use to judge what those of us in the community consider to be a huge part of who we are.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Using Evernote To Build Your Home Management Journal

Want a digital Home Management Binder? Check out the ebook, "Paperless Home Organization!"

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