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Content related to "When Your Owner's Home Grows: The Impact of Having Additional Live-in Dominants and submissives"


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The Formal Collar

The Formal Collar is offered by the Dominant with the intent to formalize the bond and attachment between themselves and their submissive. It is a recognition of commitment, deep emotional feelings, devotion, mutual respect, and consideration. It expresses a belief that the Dominant and submissive share similar ideals and a genuine and growing desire to share each other’s lives over perhaps the rest of their lives.

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Be More Specific About Pain - When a Tool is More Than Sting or Thud

Why did we get stuck on sting and thud as the only two possibilities to describe what we like in pain play anyway? I don’t think we’ve expanded the types of play activities that much in recent years to not know of other sensations than stingy and thuddy to describe them.

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For Consent to Count…ASSENT Has to Matter

I've been following an epic thread on consent for months now, watching sadly as many of the comments devolve into dangerously magical thinking and wishing somebody would speak up, and say "Whoa. There's a point at which personal responsibility comes into play here."

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Conquer Me

By far this is one of the better books on submission I've read in recent memory. I strongly urge you to get a copy of your own!

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Reminder: Asking For What You Want Is Not Overstepping Your Place

As a part of my development Master trained me to be transparent with my feelings and wants and needs. This included the very things that I wanted or needed that I thought he should be deciding on. If I wanted to go to the store for something I had to learn to ask him for it. If I wanted a kiss or attention, or if I wanted sex; I had to learn to ask for it. There are ways to ask for something that doesn't seem demanding or controlling and I had to work on learning these traits to a request.

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Submissive Advent - Day 1: In Wait

This month, that something special will hopefully be a new personal realization in yourself and your submissive nature. Take a moment today and select 2 lines from the sonnet above that touches you and your current position in life. Write it out on a note card or piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror or computer monitor. Use it as a reflective mantra this month.

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How Far Should You Go On a First Date?

My first dates ran the gamut of things you can do and should do and definitely should not do. I do hope that my suggestions and advice will give you some ideas and a solid foundation to start from.

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A Discussion of Anatomy: The Vagina

We have a ton of words for the vagina, but the average person knows very little about this aspect of the human anatomy.

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Entering the Community: The Different Ways to Socialize with Local Kinksters

Play parties aren't the only way to meet and socialize with other kinky people. Take a look at the shortlist of other ways you can meet up and make friends!

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Where All The Dominants Are and How to Find Them

I've put together all the articles from the site and elsewhere that will help you find a partner that is compatible with you and your desires.

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