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The Concept of Ritual in D/s Relationships

What makes ritual different from habit? What is a ritual at its core? And how can we conceptualize it? Such questions can fuel hours of discussion, reflection, and of course, cogitation.

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Aftercare is the attending to the emotional and physical needs once a scene is over. But what does that involve? Learn how to give and receive healing aftercare and what you should do in the event you are taking care of yourself after play.

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A safeword is a vocal brake in play; one that typically halts play completely, but can also be one where slowing down is the direction. It is a simple word or phrase that requires very little thought process to utter as a sign of distress or caution. Understand how to select your safeword and why it’s important in the following articles.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 9: Offering Your Body for Service

Today we are going to brainstorm ways you can offer yourself to your Dominant with them in mind. There is no proper way to do this, but once you find a way that appeals to them, you will want to continue doing so.

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How a Personal Protocol Can Aide Your Service

The first time I heard the word protocol when introduced to BDSM it was some special ritualized order of things that can happen in a relationship. It was an unspoken word when I was single. You didn't learn about protocol and no one I knew used a protocol to govern their own development and personal growth.

I'd like to change that. A personal protocol can bring you ahead of the game, no matter where you are in your submissive journey. In this article I'd like to give you a working definition of a personal protocol, how you can develop one whether you are single or in a relationship and what it can do for you.

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Single in the Scene Part IV: Petitioning

Petitioning is an acknowledgment of structure and formality; it is definitely a humbling experience for a slave. It is also a way for a slave to solidly express their desires – no hemming and hawing, no beating around the bush, just a determined statement of the desire.

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When Your Dominant Controls the Money

Money is power, and taking control of the finances is a way of exerting power over the relationship. Depending what your situation looks like, it may be more difficult than it sounds, especially if you are used to having full control over your money.

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Learn to Let Go of the Past: Releasing Baggage from Past Relationships

All of us have things we need to let go of, no matter whether we’re vanilla, submissive, or dominant and holding onto these things are usually more harmful than what most people realize.

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Time Management: The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique has, so far, successfully combated most of the challenges of being a stay-at-home partner, and has a couple of different, bonus benefits that I could potentially see working for various personality types.

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7 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Submission

A question I see asked all the time is "how can I be a better submissive?" Here are a few things you can do to make your submission and service better without a lot of work.

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