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Newsflash: Feeding His Dominance Is Not Topping From Below

Oftentimes, with novice submissives, it is assumed that showing any sort of desire for something that was not suggested by the Dominant would be topping from the bottom. Let me tell you now, having desires and asking for them to be fulfilled is not topping from the bottom.

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First Playtime Jitters and How to Arrive Prepared

Every submissive goes though it. You may be going through it now. Those butterflies in your stomach because you've just set a date for your first play session. Things are still so new and exciting. You don't know what to expect or how you will react to things. It's all so strange and foreign feeling. You aren't alone. Even the most experienced submissive can go through the butterflies before play, but there are ways to learn to relax and be a bit more prepared for what might happen at your first play session.

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Processing Pain in Play: Positive Pain Management Techniques

Part of your receiving is also an exchange for the top. They want to watch you process that pain in open and positive ways so that they can get energy from it. I guess you could call a good sadist as an energy vampire along those lines.

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Solo Coaching - Re-write Negative Thinking

It is within your power to change your beliefs. As soon as a negative thought shows itself it is your job to find evidence to disprove it. It will really help if you write this evidence down.

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Becoming Comfortable with My Submissive Role

Submitting did not make my thoughts less valuable or inappropriate, it simply meant that I would have to learn to accept that the final decision lay with my partner, my Dom, not with me.

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Kink and Mental Health: Temporary Relief

I won't pretend kink's a magic cure-all, and I sure as hell won't suggest it's a cure for OCD, but it does help mine when it comes to M.

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A Symbol for Dominants?

More often than not, the Dominant is the one who gave you that collar. But is there something that you can give them that would work similarly?

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 16 - Should You Try to Make Money with Your Blog?

A blog may feel like easy money, but making the decision to put ads on your blog may have a negative effect and might not even be allowed by your blog host. Knowing the facts and making a decision before you begin is an important step in creating your blog.

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What Should I Try Next: Like Orgasm Control? Try Forced Orgasms!

Once you start perfecting the art of giving up control of your orgasm to another person, you can start exploring it in other ways. Forced orgasm is not forcing it upon somebody unwilling (consent always of course!) but instead creating a situation where the bottom is orgasming in a way that is surprising, unconventional, or even in a way that makes them uncomfortable.

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Obedience: A Covenant of Submission

My obedience is my word; it is my bond; it is my reputation; it is my name. There truly is no submission for us without obedience; this is how we show we are who and what we say we are. I would like to share a few pearls/pointers gleaned.

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