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Showing 1221 to 1230 of 1479.

Sub Space: The Ultimate Frontier for BDSM Play

Subspace is a mental and physical response to the high levels of endorphins produced during play. It can manifest in many different ways and no one subspace is the same as another.

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What's the Difference Between a Lifestyler and a Player?

There are all sorts of labels that people can wear in this lifestyle. Many of these have definitions that fluctuate and change depending on the situation. These are submissive, slave, real, true, Dominant, Master, and the list goes on. No one can agree on what these labels mean for the community.

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What You Need To Know About Using Contracts to Negotiate a Relationship

In a D/s relationship, it is not unfamiliar to also draft a contract in which to declare your intentions with each other. These are not required, of course, and some people will proclaim the invalidity of these documents to anyone who will listen. I feel that the creation of a contract has some very useful and valuable importance to a growing relationship.

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SkylerPet’s Helpful Holiday Hints

With the holiday season in full swing, things can get pretty hectic. It seems like there’s always more things to do, a list left unfinished. So I thought I’d share a few tips that I’ve learned over the years to make things go a little smoother. As submissives it’s important for us to be able to get through these things with as few mishaps as possible, so that we may serve our Master’s better and insure their holidays are most enjoyable.

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8 Reasons Why Your Dominant Takes Care of You When You Are Sick

I've been reminded again today as I lay about sick with a snazzy summer flu of feeling like a failure or useless that I can't serve him and even worse when he brings me my medicine and tucks me in bed for another afternoon nap.

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Conquer Me Book Club - Week 3

You've finished the book! I definitely want to know what you thought about it in the comments.

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Playtime Activities You Can Do in Long Distance Relationships

A list of games that my Dom and I play, which you might feel free to pull apart and put together in new, exciting ways that work for your Dom and yourself.

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Ethical BDSM Falls on Both Sides of the Slash

Each partner is responsible for making a relationship ethical. No matter what side of the slash you fall on.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 18: First Page Ideas

A variety of page ideas to add to your blog or journal that will help you with personal development and give your journal character and personality.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech 12: Don't Use That Tone With Me

Everyone could learn to be a bit more appropriate from time to time. Here are a few tips that might help you be heard in the right perspective that you intended.

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