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Hard and Soft Limits? The Sooner You Know About Them The Better

As a submissive, one of the first things you will be asked by almost every Dom/me is: what are your limits? You will encounter this sometimes in chat, in play, and when negotiating a relationship with a new Dom/me. If you are playing with a new Dom/me and aren’t asked this question, my advice is not to play with the person. I have heard Dom/mes say that They don’t play with safe words or limits because They know what They are doing. How can a Dom/me know if you have health issues or triggers or are just plain terrified of something unless you tell them?

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Learn How to Nourish Yourself, Your Relationship and Your Submission

Like anything else, one has to learn to go with the flow and take the highs with the lows. I hope that any beginners, and even those who are well experienced will continue the sometimes rocky journey despite the aspects of the lifestyle that can destroy and fully embrace the aspects of the lifestyle that can nourish it.

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Can You Be a Boss and a Submissive?

For those in-charge, controlling, decision-making people who recognize that they’re submissive, it’s not that you can or will (or should) submit to just anyone. We submit to the person who earns our trust and confidence. Being in control of one thing does not mean we can’t surrender to someone in our relationships.

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Without His Collar: How This Happened and What I’m Learning About Myself

My submission stopped being something I did for me. It all began to become what he wanted and how he wanted it. My life stopped being mine and more and more a shadow of his. I want to be submissive. I want to be KnyghtMare’s submissive. Only time will tell.

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Submission By Choice: Learned Submission

It’s not an easy task to draw out the submissive nature within you if it isn’t already present in all you do. If you are like me, you struggle and rebel at the slightest challenge in character or task that you just ‘don’t feel like doing’. The goal is to submit anyway and to feel that the importance of your life is the imprint of your service on another.

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Becoming a Slave

"Becoming a Slave" is a book that I would highly suggest anyone who is already in a relationship or is thinking about getting involved in the lifestyle.

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Out of the Office and Into the Home: Making the Change From Working to Stay-at-Home Submissive

Overall it has been a positive change, even if it wasn't planned to happen right now. We are rolling with the change, making it work for us and honestly, are very happy with how things are developing for us. Staying-at-home is work, but work that I can feel good about because it is improving our personal life and enhancing our dynamic.

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Who Influences Your Submission?

When I find that I’m paying more attention to what society is trying to tell me and people who don’t know or understand me, then I’m not paying attention to Daddy or my heart. That’s when I lose sight of what’s really important.

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Two Bodies Revolving Around a Core: The Slow Dance of a BDSM Long-Distance Relationship

We live in a world where some of us living on the planet are lucky enough to have access to the technology that makes the distance seem tiny.

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