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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns

There is no wonder why so many people recommend this book as one of the first books for someone just starting out in BDSM. It has everything you could wish for in a complete overview of BDSM book.

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How You Can Help Your Partner Become More Dominant

I've always been the strongest one in my relationships. He isn't weak, but very calm and he has always set me "free"...too much, if I have to say the truth. I hope it makes sense...he's understanding, we are talking about it a lot...but I need some extra advice. I don't want to confuse him even more...

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Adult Children of Alcoholics and Submission

Reading Dr. Jan’s book really opened my eyes, and it is my hope that by sharing this information, those who relate can begin to work through some of these traits and break out of the binds of the past and explore the future where anything is possible. I would personally recommend talking to your Dominant about this and decide upon what the next step will be. A few things to remember is that you can do it, you can get help, and you are not alone.

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Beginning Domestic Service: How to Sew On a Button and other Simple Mending Tasks

Learning how to mend and patch is an age old skill that used to be second nature, but now it's a lot easier for people to go out and buy a new pair of jeans when they rip or a new sweater when you lose a button. Clothing has become more disposable. If you are looking for an economical approach to saving your favorite jeans or are comfortable with a needle and thread then learning simple mending will not only extend the life of your clothing but keep the money in your pocket.

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The Real Truth Behind the Fear of Topping from the Bottom

Bottom topping isn't as bad as it is hyped. The fear of doing this is overblown hype, for the most part.

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Enjoy Being a Single Submissive - Look Forward to a Relationship Later

Patience isn’t always something we have, but it something you can learn. You can find other ways to feed your needs while you look. You can get through being single.

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Dominant Personality with a Submissive Identity

An often misunderstood, or perhaps misrepresented thought is that submissives have to be docile, shy, introverted people.

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The Need for Speed - The Desperation of Some Dominants

Why some ill-experienced Dominants only seek novice submissives and how you can protect yourself from them.

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Self-Esteem Through Grooming Part 2: Hair

There’s a reason why the expressions “good hair day” and “bad hair day” exist: the behavior of your hair in the morning usually plays a huge role in how you’re feeling for the rest of the day.

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Teased With No Relief: How to Address Orgasm Denial Because Dominant Gets Too Busy and Forgets

How do you cope with sexual frustration? Kayla helps you figure out what you should do when you have been teased and then left high and dry when your partner gets too busy.

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