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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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Don’t Let Your Big Goals Intimidate You: Break Them Into Smaller Steps

We’re inspired to accomplish something, but before we can do the work, we need to break it down into smaller actionable steps. Tiny pieces of steps that we can easily understand and accomplish. It’s far easier to manage a bigger goal when it’s broken down into manageable bite-sized pieces than one that isn’t.

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10 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Dynamic in Isolation with Your Dominant

While many of us will feel guilty when we need time away from our dominants, there is no question that it is productive and therapeutic. If you're stuck in self-isolation, having coping mechanisms to help you through the "total togetherness" can be a big help!

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Submissive on Your Own Terms: Analyzing The One True Way

There are those who believe that there is only one way to be submissive. Mistress Steel challenges those thoughts with critical thinking, to open up the idea that submission is personal and varied.

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Setting Realistic Goals to Realize Your Dreams

Every goal we want to set requires three things to have a chance at working. We need the right time in our lives, planning and follow through. Lack just one of these things and we will not reach those dreams of ours.

So, you may be wondering why I'm covering this topic on a submissive newsletter. Every day I set goals for myself; be more obedient, remember to reply to requests and commands appropriately, research a certain topic to better understand it, practice my stretching so that I can be more flexible, etc. All of these things are to improve my submission. Hopefully you are setting small goals for yourself too. At the end of this essay, I'd like to challenge you to set a few goals for yourself and your submission. Let's see some wonderful changes in you!

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Is Submission a Need?

The issue is I feel like I have a need to submit. It's not just fun for me; I crave it on every aspect, not just sexually. Is this normal? How can I explain to my girlfriend that our sporadic play is fun, but I need more rules and structure?

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Enhance Your Sex and BDSM Play with Rituals in the Bedroom

If you've ever thought that ritual and meditation was for full-time submissives only or those in committed relationships then you haven't broadened your thinking enough. It's not just the full-time "lifestyle" submissives that can benefit from rituals, rules, and protocols in their lives. Submissives that dabble in the bedroom only have a lot they can do to enhance their experience in play and sex with their partner.

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Submissive Frenzies: When You Want It All RIGHT NOW!

Many aspects of BDSM are similar to addictions and Frenzies can be considered to be the 'withdrawal' stage. The peculiar thing about this is that a submissive need not ever have engaged in a real life D/s BDSM experience to actually go into this state of need

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About Punishment

Punishment is one of those areas which is not what it seems. Before you can develop tools or methods of punishment you have to look at the concepts behind the issue itself.

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Dealing with Guilt as a Submissive

When it comes to dealing with guilt, you have to talk about it. You can’t just shove it somewhere deep inside and expect that to take care of everything. Neither can you throw yourself into an activity and consider it done. You have to talk it out with the person, no matter how difficult that may be.

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Play Nice: Some Notes on Scene Etiquette and Leather Protocol (Part 3 of 7) - Cruising With Class

Ambrosio covers "cruising" in part 6 of this series on Leather protocol and etiquette. Take head of the warnings and tips for those casual experiences.

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