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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


Showing 91 to 100 of 1502.

What Does It Mean to Be Submissive?

In this video I’d like to help you understand what it means to be submissive in a Dominant/submissive context as it pertains to BDSM relationships. I want to debunk a few common myths and help you or your partner accept that being submissive can be a healthy expression of yourself or your sexuality.

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Define This: BDSM Switch

In this video series, I define terms that readers have asked me about! This one is about the BDSM Switch. Do you have a term you'd like defined? Let me know.

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BDSM and Parenting

Here’s the bottom line. Yes, you can be kinky and be a parent. Yes, you can be a 24/7 submissive and still be a parent. It’s all about what you let your children see and how you explain the things they may hear or see that you were trying to hide.

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Personal Grooming

If you are still using the same personal grooming routine that you did when you were 7 then it’s time to upgrade your bathing and skin care, as well as learn new ways to do your makeup, take care of your hair and take care of your body.

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For Male Submissives

While this site is predominantly written by and for female submissives, a lot of what we write about can apply to male submissives too. But there are topics that are specific to male submissives and relationships where the male is submissive and we’ve curated them into a single collection for you here.

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What Is a Collar in a D/s Relationship?

A collar, no matter what it may be made of is a commitment. This commitment could be for the duration of play, an agreed upon time frame, or a more in-depth relationship.

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Setting Yourself Up for Rejection

A submissive, dating and seeing Dominants; rarely going past the first few dates can begin to wonder why they are constantly searching and never finding someone to serve. You can develop a closed heart and begin to fear opening yourself up for fear of rejection by yet again another Dominant. And that very well may be the problem.

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Improving Your Submission - Setting Goals and Making a Plan

Now that you have a specific goal you need to develop a plan to reach that goal.

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Adding Rules in a D/s (or M/s) Relationship

Adding rules to a dynamic, whether for the first time or continuing a list is not easy.

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Improving Your Submission - Accepting Punishment

Accepting punishment gracefully when you are in a Discipline Dynamic takes practice (but not too much practice!) In this video, you'll learn the steps to making punishment go as smoothly as possible for you.

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