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Socrates Inspires Cherry to Blossom (The Online Dom)

The book had originally started out as just a short story, but then it ended up taking on a life of its own and I know that for myself and her other fans, we are both extremely grateful that it did!

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Living as an Emotionally Healthy Submissive

Being an emotionally healthy person is a goal that all of us have but a smaller margin actually accomplish. With the constant stress of commitments and modern day obligations our emotions face the brunt of it. The goal of a submissive is to seek that balance in emotional states so that our service appears stress-free and sincere; even if we have a lot going on in the background. Living as an emotionally healthy submissive takes knowing what is considered healthy to begin with.

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Understanding a D/s Relationship as a Newbie Submissive

I am having trouble dealing with the fact that he wants that Master and sub relationship as my utmost and foremost priority in terms of my relationship status. I’ve always thought of the relationship being a normal one but more “kinky” I guess. Please help?

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Domestic Challenge of the Day - Cooking for a Picky Dominant

Do you have a Dominant that you are finding hard to please both of your palettes? Then you aren't alone. One of the most common differences in partnerships is food preferences and people's opinions about foods. I've come up with ways to work around the limits placed on me when I cook and I thought I'd share a few of them here.

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Don't I Know You From Somewhere? - Encountering People You Know at a Munch

You might be recognized. That's right, there just might be someone there that you know from your life at these things. And that puts lead in so many boots. It doesn't have to be that way if you know how you want to handle that before you step out the door.

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What Everyone Ought to Know About Finding and Managing Limits

When you are brand new to anything related to BDSM it is likely that you will not know many of your limits and that's okay. Make sure you are prepared to share that information if you want to play, but also to stop as soon as you think you've reached a limit.

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When the Walls Have Ears – 5 Strategies for D/s and BDSM Play with Kids Around

The top 5 things I have discovered are helpful in trying to keep your BDSM relationship active and healthy while keeping your kids from over exposure.

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Why That Dominant You Found Online Just Disappeared After a Short Time

I'm going to present a short list of reasons why this person fit so perfectly into your life and then vanished without a second glance.

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Help! My Dominant Says and Does Things I Didn't Agree To

My Dominant is constantly changing the rules of the relationship and I don't agree with them. I love him and don't want to give him up but I am starting to question if he ever really loved me at all?

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