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5 Tips for Coping with Your Jealousy in a D/s Dynamic

Whether you’re in a D/s dynamic that’s open to new play partners, or you’re in a polyamorous relationship, jealousy can be a challenge. If it’s causing snags in your relationships (and even before it does), coping with jealousy can be a useful skill to learn. These five tips will have you well on your way.

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10 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Dynamic in Isolation with Your Dominant

While many of us will feel guilty when we need time away from our dominants, there is no question that it is productive and therapeutic. If you're stuck in self-isolation, having coping mechanisms to help you through the "total togetherness" can be a big help!

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Submissive on Your Own Terms: Analyzing The One True Way

There are those who believe that there is only one way to be submissive. Mistress Steel challenges those thoughts with critical thinking, to open up the idea that submission is personal and varied.

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A Non-Romantic BDSM Relationship, Is It Wise?

Do you think it is wise to approach D/s as a non-romantic exchange, or am I just fooling myself? Do you have any advice on how I can remain focused in this kind of arrangement?

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Master/slave Relations: Handbook of Theory and Practice

I'll definitely recommend this book to anyone who says they want a Master in their life or are thinking they are a Master. It's easy to read with a lot of personal introspection expected. You'll finish this book a better Master or slave - that I really believe.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 14: Show Off Your Positions!

Today's post is all about you! I want to see what you came up with for positions that worked best for you. Share your blog posts about the subject, pictures and video! Show us your gracefull curtsy or perhaps pictures of your kneeling and standing positions. Have you served at a dinner party? Did you write about it? Let us know!

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The Many Faces of Submission

What I'm about to lay out for you is not the only way these terms can be described but it is a good measure for the novice and open to your interpretation. No one way to serve is better than another in this list. Remember that not matter where we are on the mountainous journey, the goal is the same. Surrender.

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The Importance of Taking Your Time Exploring Submission Before Starting a Relationship

At one time or another we all tend to rashly jump into a D/s relationship without really knowing the Dominant that we are surrendering to.

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Male Submission – Selfishness

Many male subs portray themselves through their own words that they are selfish in that they do not actually care what a potential dominant partner wants or needs.

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Finding Your Submissive Voice: Speak Up for Better, Honest Communication

How much to say to their Dominant? When to say it? Can they say anything? What if s/he thinks I'm rude? Would it be better to not say anything? What is appropriate?

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