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How I Use Simple Rituals to Regain My Submissive Mindset After A Busy Workday

Many submissives have jobs where they are managers, business owners, or in charge in some way or another. Sometimes it can be difficult to re-enter your submissive head-space at the end of a busy work day. A sub can use rituals in order to help her achieve the right mind-apace, leaving the outside world behind and re-gaining the D/s world.

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30 Days of Submission

Every day throughout the month of November 2013 there was a new post from me answering the questions posed in the 30 Days of Submission meme that I’d seen going around. You gain a glimpse into who I am as a submissive and my relationship with KnyghtMare.

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The Dom with a Safeword-The Badass Brats

Co-authors Sorcha Black, Leia Shaw, and Cari Silverwood created a wonderful place with a great story, great characters, and a lot of great kink!

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M/s for the Rest of Us

An opinionated review of the book, M/s for the Rest of Us by KE Enzweiler.

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Carte Blanche - Repeating Misbehavior Patterns

I'm going to talk about a submissive's mindset when it comes to repeat patterns in behavior and why we just can't keep our feet on the straight and narrow.

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Use Your Safeword Without Guilt - You Are NOT a Bad Sub For Needing It

You never know what may go on, how you will react or where your limits are that day. Using that safeword will protect yourself. But for many of us, wielding that power is scary and one that you don't consider unless it is absolutely necessary. When we do break and need to safeword out of a scene we can be fraught with guilt and feelings of failure.

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A Safe Call Could Save Your Life: How to Set It Up

A safe call is something that you may never need to use but should be there anyway. Like car insurance. It's there in the case of an accident. It's not like you plan on getting into an accident so you get insurance. It's the other way around. A safe call is your backup plan, your safety net. In fact, it could very well save your life. Are you in good hands?

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Submissive Advent - Day 7: Random Acts of Kindness

As submissives we often forget that helping others also feeds our need to submit.

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Your Responsibilities in Play - In and Out of a Relationship

The responsibility of a submissive doesn’t disappear at any time. You need to look out for yourself and learn to communicate effectively with those you wish to play with, whether it’s the first or 500th time you’ve done so.

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3 Ways You Can Learn About Your Limits When You Are New to BDSM

Learning what you might like or dislike is a challenge, but not one you can’t face with the right tools. In this article, I’m going to cover what types of limits there are and then three ways you can begin to figure out what your own limits are no matter how new you are to BDSM.

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