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Showing 431 to 440 of 1496.

Reactive and Proactive Service: What's the Difference?

There is no right or wrong way to serve. I do think some slaves are more prone to reactive service and there are some slaves who are more proactive.

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How To Help Your Dominant Through Dom Drop

How do you care for a Dom/Master who is suffering dom drop? What should a sub do to help them through this? It seems that they get reclusive. Is this normal?

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31 Flavors of Kink by Leia Shaw and Cari Silverwood

31 Flavors of Kink by Leia Shaw and Cari Silverwood is completely unlike any fictional BDSM book that I have read. Check out the review!

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Banishment as a Form of Punishment: How Do You Cope?

A common tool for Dominants in their punishment arsenal is removal. You can be removed from the activity and sent to a time out area. For me, that's the kitchen. Ugh. I hate when I'm banished there.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 9 - Structure, Rules and Rituals Aplenty

Do you accept and/or expect structure, rules and limits as a part of your submission?

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Reconnecting When I Feel A Disconnect with My Submission

No matter where I am in my submissive journey I find times where it's harder to submit than others.

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How BDSM, SSC, and Feminism Work Together

As long as your relationship (both in play and out of play) follows SSC standards, then you have a healthy relationship, and there is nothing that detracts from the fact that I believe men and women deserve equal rights.

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How I Started a Simple BDSM Protocol, and How You Can Too!

Protocol isn't lovely to see because it's complex, it's lovely to see because it takes something so simple and makes it special.

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Every Good Conversation Starts with Good Listening

Communication comes up frequently as a key topic to developing and maintaining healthy, open relationships. But many of us don't know what good communication looks like and have problems with at least one part of good communication techniques.

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Don't Judge A Label By Its Cover: Dispelling Stereotypes of D/s Roles

Personality traits do no indicate what label that person may wear in D/s or BDSM. Learn more ways we apply stereotypes and how to dispel your mistruths.

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