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Content related to "Service: There’s an App for that!"


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Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are still relationships that require a different approach to develop the same connection and intimacy. Sure, the physical contact is far less than a face to face relationship but for some people, a long distance relationship is a smart first step or only step if you are unable to explore BDSM in any other way.

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Can I Access Subspace Too?

I'm teaching you today is how you can try to reach subspace. No matter how hard it is for you in the past there is a way for you to experience some or all of what subspace has to offer.

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Bondage Snippets by Verianna LaCroix

This book is very much like being at a munch or roundtable discussion about the lifestyle, but just in the privacy of your own home, or wherever you enjoy doing your reading.

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First Playtime Jitters and How to Arrive Prepared

Every submissive goes though it. You may be going through it now. Those butterflies in your stomach because you've just set a date for your first play session. Things are still so new and exciting. You don't know what to expect or how you will react to things. It's all so strange and foreign feeling. You aren't alone. Even the most experienced submissive can go through the butterflies before play, but there are ways to learn to relax and be a bit more prepared for what might happen at your first play session.

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Some Thoughts on Domestic Service from a Male Submissive

When luna indicated that she was going to emphasize domestic service at the Sub Guide this month, it reminded me that when I tell people I am primarily a service submissive I am frequently asked: “What is that?”. The follow-up question is often, “What do you get out of that?” It seemed an opportune time to tackle these questions. (Sometimes the follow-up question is “What are you secondarily, then?” To which I always reply, “Whatever She needs me to be, of course.”)

So what is a service submissive? Simply put, it’s a sub (male or female) that takes care of household chores and similar tasks. Cooking, cleaning and other domestic duties might be performed by a service submissive. We essentially take the role of butler, maid, chauffeur, gardener or cook.

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Orgasm Control: The Master's Gift of Orgasm

Ever since I explored orgasm control, I have looked at orgasms in a whole new light.

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A Day in the Life: Pam

This is a guest post by Pam for the Day in the Life Series.

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A Day in the Life: Tlbsab

This is a guest post for the Day in a Life Series. Thank you Tlbsab!

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Micromanagement and Macromanagement: What's the Difference?

Like everything in life, there are pros and cons to both types of management styles and I want to share some of those with you now.

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My Partner Is Hanging On to an Old Relationship

It is very difficult to lead somebody. Exponentially so when she answers to another.

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