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How To Find Someone to Play With at a Party and Other Negotiation Basics

One of the more daunting prospects as a single kinky person or someone who is open to casual play is approaching others at a play party with whom you might be interested playing. It’s often called pick up play because you are simply trying to pick someone up for the purpose of play. Whether you are a top or a bottom, the cold approach is scary. But there is help!

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What Does It Mean to be Collared?

What does it mean to be collared? It can mean many things to many different people. For some it is a new beginning in a journey. For others it is a step in the training process. It all depends on the Dominant you are with. For every Dominant has a different way of doing things.

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The Real Meaning Behind Service and Serving as a Submissive

Service is any activity or function that you fill to make your dominant partner's life easier. This could be as simple as preparing their coffee, laying out their clothes for them or performing domestic chores. Yes, it does include the play and sex aspects of some relationships, but not all of them are wired this way.

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All Female Submissives are Bisexual and Other BDSM Myths

The world is full of false truths. These false truths tend to be the assumptions of the uninformed or the beliefs of those who want to scare novices out of their wits. Many of these are because of a narrow view of the world or an inability to accept varying viewpoints. In this post I’m going to discuss some of the most popular BDSM myths that novices here and what the truth really is.

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How To Start Your Submissive Journal

Whatever information you encounter there is only one truth. You can reach sub space and if you have any experience at all, then you probably have and just don't know what it was called. So let's start small.

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Beginning Domestic Service: Basic Knitting Tips and Tutorials

Once considered old ladies' busy work, I'm here to try to bring a comeback to knitting. With knitting you can provide items for the home that will not only last longer but usually work better and are far cheaper (in the long run). Knitting can be a peaceful time full of introspection while you create and craft.

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Processing Pain in Play: Learning a Processing Technique

Learning to accept pain has various methods. I suggest you practice these the next time you play and find one or more that work best for you. The best way to learn a processing technique is to practice.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 1 – Adrenaline

The simulated danger and potential for bodily harm in BDSM can cause large doses of this neurotransmitter to be dumped into your bloodstream, increasing your heart rate and giving you a rush.

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Keep Your Voice: Your Rights as a Submissive

Here are some plain, matter of fact words of advice for new submissives. Don't let Hollywood form your thoughts, get the real information!

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7 Signs You are Compatible With a Prospective Dominant

When you are looking for a Dominant for the first, or last, time, you have a few reasons to wonder if the person you see is compatible with you. After all, you don’t want to spend a lot of time getting to know someone if they are not going to be your perfect, or almost perfect, partner. Right? I’ve put together a few signs to help you tell if someone might be a good match for you.

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